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Getting started help, please

PostPosted: September 29th, 2008, 1:45 pm
by StrangeEvil
My wife and I are trying to use hypnosis for relaxation (perhaps fun later) and are having difficulty seeing results. Granted we've only been trying for a week. I'd like to know if anyone has suggestions for getting started. What to listen to, what to expect (realistically), what sort of environmental issues to factor, mindset, etc.

We'll appreciate any help. Thank you.

PostPosted: September 29th, 2008, 3:55 pm
by MN_FriendlyGuy
Welcome to both of you.

You've asked for guidance... what to listen to, and what to expect. I hope many members will respond, letting you know what's worked for them.

I believe the two of you already have an advantage. You're a team and you already trust each other. And that means you're further along than most newbies.

Practice on each other.

Take turns in the role of hypnotist - talking quietly and reassuringly.

Invite your partner to relax; to get comfortable. Invite them to visualize a comfortable, familiar situation. Invite them to remember a calm, lazy time spent together. Take your time and have fun with this step.

Invite your partner to focus on the feeling of comfort and relaxation.
People can easily forget suggestions and trancing, when they allow the warm comfort to enfold them like a blanket.

And just before you invite your partner to waken, be sure to compliment them in a loving, caring way - something genuine.

That's all you really need to get started. When you're ready to learn hypnotic technique that's more advanced, your library is a good source.
And so is this forum.

Again, welcome.

PostPosted: September 29th, 2008, 7:13 pm
by MacGyver
well, myself, i am curious what you use to listen to the files, earphones, speakers, or ear buds. it has been my personal experience that a good set of ear buds are good to use for listening to files. had a set that was worn to the point they played louder on one side than the other, and as a result i was unable to focus, then i ended up getting me a new pair that played the same volume in both sides and i can now get back to going under trance. i dont have much luck getting the files to work but, i can once again achieve a level of trance where i feel like i am starting to float.

i still see myself a novice with trance but, do recommend using ear buds to listen to the files as it seems a bit easier to focus. i have also found rythmic breathing to be of a great deal of help, breathe in for 2 seconds, hold for one second, and out for 2 seconds. something like that. take 2-4 deep breaths at the beginning of the file, and hold each one long as you can. by the 3rd or 4th breath, when you exhale, you may feel a strange sensation, almost a numbness.

hope this post helps.
