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Nearly there, just need a little help and advice:)

PostPosted: October 18th, 2008, 1:40 am
by remydp
Hey everyone!!!

Ok well I'm kinda new to the whole hypnosis thing, even though I've been into it for quite a while I've only been trying to go under the past week or so.

Any way i have tried to go under now many times and last night was the closest I have come. (I was a little tipsy and I think that helped???)

I got a tingly sensation everywhere and could feel myself drifting off, like I had never felt that before. But then my heart rate shot up and I came out of it. It prob lasted 5-10 secs.

Anyways that'll help me achieve this again, and not come out of it next time? And should I try going under a little tipsy until I can do it easily by myslef? Because Ii've never got that far when im totally sober:)

Many thanks


PostPosted: October 18th, 2008, 9:43 am
by MN_FriendlyGuy
Remy -

You're feeling an urge to enjoy trance at a deeper level.

I don't know whether you're aware that trance is a skill. It requires practice.

    Some people learn it on their own. They find a comfortable place. They reserve time in their busy lives. They find recordings that feel calm and that guide them.

    Some people learn the skill with the help of a hypnotist. With just one or two visits, a person can go into a guided trance. When that happens, their subconscious mind learns the way.
A person could use both these methods. And either method makes it possible to seek inside for feelings.

- a sense of arousal;
- a sense of contentment & happiness;
- memories of places that feel relaxing

Remy, you know dreams come when they come. They happen naturally when circumstances are right.

The same is true with trance. All you need to do is practice. As you practice in a comfortable place, allowing plenty of time, and opening your mind to feelings - circumstances are right.

And maybe the first feeling you'll meditate about is the desire to enjoy trance.

PostPosted: October 19th, 2008, 12:14 pm
by remydp
Thank you very much for the detailed response:)

I sure will keep practicing:)