Physical changes from hypnosis

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Physical changes from hypnosis

Postby subpetboy » November 2nd, 2008, 11:13 pm

Alright, before I start, I just want to say that this isn't about growing boobs or enlarging my junk or shrinking my junk or anything to do with the nether regions. This is about whether it would be possible or not to use hypnosis to help me with some minor health issues. To start with, hypnosis tends to work fairly well on me- I can go into trance fairly easily and suggestions tend to stick with me unless I really try and resist.

Ever since I was a little kid, I've suffered from eczema. It's nothing too serious and it's not visible- just on the hands, but it's still very annoying, especially in winter when it tends to flare up. This year seems to be worse than ever though, and it's starting to appear on the back of my neck, which is pretty damn uncomfortable.

If it's possible, I'd like to get some opinions from some of the experts around here on whether it would be possible to alleviate symptoms to some degree with hypnosis. I'm a pessimist, so I don't expect anything to really get rid of it for good, but any sort of symptom relief would be nice : ) If it's already this annoying in November, I don't have a good feeling about this winter.
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Postby Kenn » November 2nd, 2008, 11:23 pm

I think it's possible. I've been using hypnosis to speed up my metabolism and it's been working. The only free file that would probably effect eczema is Be Your Own Bandage over on emg's other site, The only way you'll know for sure though is to try it for awhile, like a month, and see what happens.
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Postby demigraff » November 3rd, 2008, 1:05 am

I don't know about physical changes, or trying to treat any kind of medical problem. Different people have different opinions on that question - but training yourself not to notice (or just not be bothered by) discomfort from some source is certainly possible.
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Postby cardigan » November 3rd, 2008, 11:07 am

I have successfully cured myself of grass allergy by using hypnosis. All kinds of allergies can be cured or at least be lessened by hypnosis, because the subconscious mind controls the immune system (really!).

With eczema there might be an allergen that causes you to flare up. You can have your doc do tests to find out what you are allergic to. Plants/animals/dust - you probably know. If an allergen is found it is absolutely possible for you to alleviate or cure the eczema by using hypnosis.

You work it in 2 ways: 1. tell your immune system to stop producing anti-bodies for the allergen. 2. tell your immune system that it is misunderstanding something important: the presence of the allergen is no threat to your body, so it doesn't need to launch a counter-attack! The counter-attack is what is making your skin flare, you see.

I hear that even psoriasis can be cured or at least made less with hypnosis. I have yet to try this with a patient, though.
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Postby whatthe75 » November 3rd, 2008, 10:30 pm

Eczema can definately be removed by hypnosis.I have recently worked with a fellow hypnotist who had it on his leg and removed it.
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