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PostPosted: December 20th, 2008, 5:17 pm
by chrissie081
Is Lutz making new files? I just tried the bubble induction and it really put me out.I see he has some german files, but that doesnt help me much.Curious if anyone knows, I would really love to hear a follow up. Thanks, Christine

PostPosted: December 23rd, 2008, 10:52 pm
by Calimore
I would also like to see some new files from Herr Lutz. I'm considering taking a German refresher course just so I can enjoy his other files. ;)

Happy Holidays,

PostPosted: January 20th, 2009, 4:04 pm
by toast
I am german and i'd like to hear more of lutz as well. Isn't there a contact, email or something?

PostPosted: January 25th, 2009, 6:54 pm
by chrissie081
I wish I understood German to enjoy the others, contact info would be nice. Anyone have any ideas? The bubble induction still just puts me out like nothing else. Thanks if anyone has any ideas. Christine

PostPosted: January 25th, 2009, 7:50 pm
by BeMine
Have you considered altering the file? Something along the lines of either recording yourself saying the trigger, then suggestions following it, ending with something to wake yourself up with, or adding suggestions to the actual bubble induction?

You could even take a file you want to listen to, and insert it in the middle of bubble induction. Perhaps give that a shot, and see how you respond?

It's a Lutz thing, you wouldn't understand...

PostPosted: January 25th, 2009, 10:22 pm
by Calimore
I think the thing is that most people enjoyed was Lutz's style and delivery. Then, and he married a great induction with a beautifully compatible script.

Finally, he didn't overdo effects - just a nice background with punctuated effects where there were needed most.

Bubble Induction managed to demonstrate the expected efficiency of a German artist, but also delivered an elegance one usually expects only from an artist. This is one of the reasons it is currently one of the only WMM files you'll find echoing through the torrent file sharing system.

PostPosted: January 25th, 2009, 10:55 pm
by chrissie081
I'm not too talented as far as altering files etc... I'm not sure how it would be. Is there anything similar to the bubble induction file or something that works as well?