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Split Personality?

PostPosted: January 12th, 2009, 3:43 am
by pyroid
OK I have been listening to the trigcursecatgirl file for a while now a long with the occational induction and other files I bump into online, but I didn't except to get the results I did. I would have these long spans of blank after listening to Catgirl at first so I thought the file was a no go and I had reached my limit with it, so I gave up on it. Like I thought it stopped so I just thought it was me falling alseep during hypnosis, but then I noticed these weird thoughts running through my head, like I'd say my name in the thrid person or I'd giggle randomly at something, but it wouldn't be out loud. It was weird and I just thought it a side affect of Catgirl, but then something even mre off the wall happened, the voice gave itself a name, Naomi. It always refered to itself as Naomi, like it was a seperate person, and to find out it is and its connected to Catgirl. Eversense then when I trigger myself for the catgirl file I fall into what feels like sleep but I notice whats going on around in sort of but its more like I'm in the back seat like someone else is driving my body, but when I see the body I'm in its not mind, its sex feline hour glass shaped and has cat ears and a tail. I no it sounds weird but has anyone ever had this kind of thing happen to them?

PostPosted: January 12th, 2009, 9:17 pm
by jon1223
Yep yep, I have a similar "problem." I have been listening to the Furry companion file for a while, and have a companion now named Kat(shes a blue and white amazonian tiger with a large bust). Well, one of her favorite pranks is to, literally, jump inside of me and transform me into her sister. Basically, if I displease her or something, she goes"Alright, you asked for it" and runs headlong into me, running straight into me. My whole body tingles, and feels a bit queasy, and suddenly I start to transform into a tiger-girl similar to her. My personality changes a little bit, but not by much. Her other favorite trick is to just completly take over my body. Usually, I have to allow her to do this, as it requires more time and focus to perform. After some intense focusing and meditation, suddenly i'm watching from the backseat of her body, as she goes about my day in her own special kitty way, hehe

PostPosted: January 17th, 2009, 11:05 pm
by yaar
jon1223 wrote:Yep yep, I have a similar "problem." I have been listening to the Furry companion file for a while, and have a companion now named Kat(shes a blue and white amazonian tiger with a large bust). Well, one of her favorite pranks is to, literally, jump inside of me and transform me into her sister. Basically, if I displease her or something, she goes"Alright, you asked for it" and runs headlong into me, running straight into me. My whole body tingles, and feels a bit queasy, and suddenly I start to transform into a tiger-girl similar to her. My personality changes a little bit, but not by much. Her other favorite trick is to just completly take over my body. Usually, I have to allow her to do this, as it requires more time and focus to perform. After some intense focusing and meditation, suddenly i'm watching from the backseat of her body, as she goes about my day in her own special kitty way, hehe

Where can I find this file? it sounds really interesting.

PostPosted: January 18th, 2009, 11:48 am
by PS360
Split personalitys always rock

PostPosted: January 18th, 2009, 7:53 pm
by MacGyver
yeah, them split personalities sound interesting. :twisted:

PostPosted: January 19th, 2009, 12:58 am
by jon1223
yaar wrote:Where can I find this file? it sounds really interesting.

I have used a variety of companion files(there are more on Furmorphed), but so far I have had really good success with the Spirit Bond file by Smfx.

PostPosted: January 22nd, 2009, 11:49 pm
by pyroid
I haven't had a whole lot of experiences where she takes over but I have seen her in my dreams. I know she isn't part of the dream because she like myself can do what she wishes, which she tends to make the dream worse for me but better for her, at first I thought it was a bad thing but then I just excepted that these were my dreams in some way and the only reason they seemed at all bad is because I thought they were.

The other day I tried the curse succubus file, the first night I had very vivid dreams, and the next they became more sexual, and last night I dreamt of Naomi holding me down and, well you know the rest lol. I woke up more tired then I had been before I went to bed, but also relaxed and releived almost you know. I am curious where this little unexpected outcome takes me.

PostPosted: January 23rd, 2009, 2:04 am
by Reboot2099
I'm not really into furries and stuff but the way you describe this split personnalityeffect seems really nice and exactly what I 'd like to experience! But I am affraid to not be able to turn it off when I m not alone (with my girlfriend, friends, at work, in public etc) and act really weird. I wouldn t like that.

So my question is, does anybody know about files that create split personnalities, but gives you the choice to turn it on only when you're alone?

I wouldn t mind trying furry files, or any other split personnality files. It would be a lot nicer if the file is very sexual (addicted to something sexually like masturbation or something else, turning into a slut etc) that creates a completely different personnality than mine,but like I said, not a permanent change..or at least a self-triggered one.

PostPosted: January 23rd, 2009, 7:15 pm
by homerj1620
Over on Hypno-Fetish there is a group called [url=]Operation: Becky[/url] which aims to create a second female personality. There are a few scripts there for it.

PostPosted: January 25th, 2009, 2:59 am
by pyroid
I haven't found a way to turn her off exactly but I haven't had problems in public concealing her exsistence. As for my girlfriend finding out, she has and she thinks its funny. I told her about the website and she tired a couple of the files to no success but she's still trying. It's kinda cool having someone to share this all with now. A sense of liberation.

Last night I had another dream with her in it. It wasn't as bad as the first but it was amazing to say the least. With the use of the Sucubus file I noticed less of her thoughts in the waking world and more of her in my dreams.

PostPosted: January 25th, 2009, 10:54 pm
by lizzie101
MacGyver wrote:yeah, them split personalities sound interesting. :twisted:
It does sound terribly interesting and intriguing, but I think the consequences could be bad. What if the other person tries taking over?

PostPosted: January 26th, 2009, 1:24 am
by Vdetached
lizzie101 wrote:
MacGyver wrote:yeah, them split personalities sound interesting. :twisted:
It does sound terribly interesting and intriguing, but I think the consequences could be bad. What if the other person tries taking over?

I would say once their are two (or more) personalities, no one personality would have a greater right. I would think which ever has the more dominant traits would eventually take control.

This is what both attracts and repels people from the possibility.

PostPosted: January 26th, 2009, 2:14 am
by DKaiser
lizzie101 wrote:It does sound terribly interesting and intriguing, but I think the consequences could be bad. What if the other person tries taking over?

Also, if you set up the split personality intentionally(from a file or such), you can add in safeguards as to what the personality can't do.
Unfortunately, this also makes such a file hard to work with, as different people would want different safeguards(as well as different personality types), and so you'd have to custom tailor a file for each person.
EDIT: Actually, I'm getting rather curious about this now. Does anyone feel willing to try out an alternate personality file? I'd be happy to custom make files for the first couple of people interested.

PostPosted: January 26th, 2009, 10:09 am
by lizzie101
DKaiser wrote:
lizzie101 wrote:It does sound terribly interesting and intriguing, but I think the consequences could be bad. What if the other person tries taking over?

Also, if you set up the split personality intentionally(from a file or such), you can add in safeguards as to what the personality can't do.
Unfortunately, this also makes such a file hard to work with, as different people would want different safeguards(as well as different personality types), and so you'd have to custom tailor a file for each person.
EDIT: Actually, I'm getting rather curious about this now. Does anyone feel willing to try out an alternate personality file? I'd be happy to custom make files for the first couple of people interested.
I think I would, provided there are some safeguards, like maybe that she can only take over when I'm by myself, and perhaps something just in general to ensure I keep control over her.

PostPosted: January 26th, 2009, 9:15 pm
by pyroid
You have nothing to fear. A second personality is part of you. You made it and you control it. I see myself no greater then Allie, as she has come to call herself. I have no need to control her, and I don't mind being in the back seat, its actually really fun. Allie is so easy to mess with. Yestarday I was talking to her while she was washing dishes and a cute boy came on the tv, and lets say she became a little aroused. Its safe to say he wasn't excepting that. I teased him all day and her all night.

Naomi Nyan

PostPosted: January 28th, 2009, 1:16 am
by lizzie101
pyroid wrote:You have nothing to fear. A second personality is part of you. You made it and you control it. I see myself no greater then Allie, as she has come to call herself. I have no need to control her, and I don't mind being in the back seat, its actually really fun. Allie is so easy to mess with. Yestarday I was talking to her while she was washing dishes and a cute boy came on the tv, and lets say she became a little aroused. Its safe to say he wasn't excepting that. I teased him all day and her all night.

Naomi Nyan
Fascinating. And a pleasure to meet you, Naomi. :)

You don't seem like the dominating type. Unfortunately, the personality I envision is very dominant. I should have control over her level of dominant behavior, but we'll see. Should be interesting, in the least. I look forward to what may come of it.

PostPosted: January 31st, 2009, 12:03 am
by pyroid
You to Lizzie. I have to say unfortunate isn't the word I'd use :wink: but I get where your coming from. I suggest letting in a little that is if your comfortable with doing so, it might just be fun.

I have to agree with Naomi, this personality technically is a part of you, but I'd just try it on for size first. It scared me at first but after a while Naomi was a gift instead of a burden, well a little anyway :lol:

Har har har

Color coded
Me standard
Naomi red!

PostPosted: February 8th, 2009, 1:08 am
by Miracle_Never_Happen
DKaiser wrote:
lizzie101 wrote:It does sound terribly interesting and intriguing, but I think the consequences could be bad. What if the other person tries taking over?

Also, if you set up the split personality intentionally(from a file or such), you can add in safeguards as to what the personality can't do.
Unfortunately, this also makes such a file hard to work with, as different people would want different safeguards(as well as different personality types), and so you'd have to custom tailor a file for each person.
EDIT: Actually, I'm getting rather curious about this now. Does anyone feel willing to try out an alternate personality file? I'd be happy to custom make files for the first couple of people interested.

I know it's been a while, but if you're still offering, I'd love to try out a split personality file. As long as it can't take over without my consent, I don't care what it does. :wink:

PostPosted: February 8th, 2009, 10:27 am
by dumpertaker
I agree with the above poster, this does sound very interesting as long as I have some kind of control over it when there are people about or I need to do something!

If you are still offering drop me a PM.

PostPosted: February 8th, 2009, 10:31 am
by DKaiser
Yes, I am still offering it, but I think I'll stop offering it for free at 3 people, so if both of you want it(PM with details sent), then that'll be the end of the free trial.

PostPosted: February 8th, 2009, 11:56 am
by dumpertaker
Just replying to your PM now...cheers!

PostPosted: March 9th, 2009, 5:11 pm
by dumpertaker
DKaiser, just wondered how things are going with the files dude?

PostPosted: March 9th, 2009, 9:23 pm
by 0turner0
True, this one was really intriguing...

PostPosted: March 15th, 2009, 5:17 pm
by RaGeX
jon1223 wrote:Yep yep, I have a similar "problem." I have been listening to the Furry companion file for a while, and have a companion now named Kat(shes a blue and white amazonian tiger with a large bust). Well, one of her favorite pranks is to, literally, jump inside of me and transform me into her sister. Basically, if I displease her or something, she goes"Alright, you asked for it" and runs headlong into me, running straight into me. My whole body tingles, and feels a bit queasy, and suddenly I start to transform into a tiger-girl similar to her. My personality changes a little bit, but not by much. Her other favorite trick is to just completly take over my body. Usually, I have to allow her to do this, as it requires more time and focus to perform. After some intense focusing and meditation, suddenly i'm watching from the backseat of her body, as she goes about my day in her own special kitty way, hehe

jon1223 im interested in achieving what you have

so my question to is what was the combination of furry files that you used to get these results?

PostPosted: March 18th, 2009, 9:45 pm
by pyroid
I see little ol' me has created quite the fuss lol. I would like to see a split personality file posted. Maybe I'd get a couple friends out of it :wink:

PostPosted: March 18th, 2009, 10:15 pm
by DKaiser
Real life has intervened, and while I still plan to do these files, I need to finish the ones that are already in line before giving out more.

PostPosted: March 18th, 2009, 10:33 pm
by MrLes is a silly /stupid question.... could, thru trance/hypnosis files, a person create a split personality?

PostPosted: March 18th, 2009, 11:03 pm
by lizzie101
DKaiser wrote:Real life has intervened, and while I still plan to do these files, I need to finish the ones that are already in line before giving out more.
I see. Just glad to hear something :) whenever you can get to it is fine.

PostPosted: March 18th, 2009, 11:37 pm
by dumpertaker
DKaiser wrote:Real life has intervened, and while I still plan to do these files, I need to finish the ones that are already in line before giving out more.

No worries, just wondered how things were going...look forward to seeing the file!

PostPosted: March 20th, 2009, 5:05 am
by Nymphaea
MrLes is a silly /stupid question.... could, thru trance/hypnosis files, a person create a split personality?

Because a split personality is inside your mind, I wouldnt see why not. I already have another personality, and have for a long time, but I have trouble hearing that personality and she has trouble 'getting out', so to speak. I've thought of using hypnosis for help with that, but Im sure people could completely create one too.

I have been looking into starting to making files and I might give it a try, but school tends to take a majority of my time ^-^;;

PostPosted: March 22nd, 2009, 7:30 pm
by pyroid
? I don't know if I would call Naomi a true split persona more like the hidden me, the half that doesn't come out that often. It's like by accident the files I listen to split me in a way I feel different and out of sorts then at peace and its almost like I'm in the back seat while someone steers.

PostPosted: March 28th, 2009, 1:43 am
by GoneZombie
Is that free offer from Kaiser still up? If it is, pm me. Thanks.

PostPosted: April 5th, 2009, 10:25 am
by C87
That all sounds pretty neat, makes me wonder what it would be like having a split personality messing around with you.

PostPosted: April 8th, 2009, 10:49 pm
by pyroid
To be honest I do not remeber how many times I listen to it before it happened. At first it was life living my life while someone else piloted my body, and then that pilot gained its own sense of being and Naomi was born. Now I have listened to other files along with catgirl but I don't remeber specifics. Naomi to me is a gift, at first I was afraid I'd loose myself but she is me, just a side I never expressed, it just bad now that my girl friend knows she exsist because now I wake up in make up I didn't put on trying to figure out what the hell just happened lol.

PostPosted: April 10th, 2009, 7:14 am
by amichaotix
wow how often does she come out?

PostPosted: April 12th, 2009, 9:29 pm
by pyroid
I come out quiet often actually *wink* even when he doesn't want me to. lets just say I help him "express" his feminine urges.

PostPosted: April 13th, 2009, 5:39 am
by amichaotix
a few years ago i tried to get my fem side out with MM but i never got anywhere with it, but i'd love to hear more about you experience with the cat girl file some more, i may even give it a try ;)
so what does his girlfriend think of you?

PostPosted: April 13th, 2009, 2:03 pm
by Zombie_Genocide
amichaotix wrote:a few years ago i tried to get my fem side out with MM but i never got anywhere with it, but i'd love to hear more about you experience with the cat girl file some more, i may even give it a try ;)
so what does his girlfriend think of you?

I bet she is jealous~!

PostPosted: April 18th, 2009, 11:43 pm
by pyroid
Haha, I love Summer as much as he does. At first she wasn't to keen on the idea but then as I loosened her up she was more cooperative.
Andy was never open to sexual experimention, hell the only thing he ever experimented with was whether or not to masturbate today or not *joking sweet*. He's improved alot and I'm very proud of it. On the jealous note I think I'm more jealous with her then she is with me. Andy is so sweet kind loving and shy, oh I just love him to death. Don't you just love men who cannot stand up for themselves *licks her lips* but I digress.

PostPosted: April 22nd, 2009, 7:43 pm
by lizzie101
DKaiser wrote:Real life has intervened, and while I still plan to do these files, I need to finish the ones that are already in line before giving out more.

its been yet another month......what's up? Will you be able to get to it soon?

PostPosted: April 22nd, 2009, 11:35 pm
by Fpaladin
I'd be very interested in a file that could create a split personality of sorts.

PostPosted: April 24th, 2009, 3:47 pm
by DKaiser
lizzie101 wrote:its been yet another month......what's up? Will you be able to get to it soon?

I was about to start earlier this week, then the doctor told me he had an earlier operation time possible, so now that I am out of the hospital again, I can go make lots of these files.

PostPosted: April 25th, 2009, 5:45 pm
by dumpertaker
DKaiser wrote:
lizzie101 wrote:its been yet another month......what's up? Will you be able to get to it soon?

I was about to start earlier this week, then the doctor told me he had an earlier operation time possible, so now that I am out of the hospital again, I can go make lots of these files.

Hope you feel better dude, and I look forward to file when you can make it :)

PostPosted: May 25th, 2009, 11:46 pm
by pyroid
To Sleepy Uk

All's while! It hasn't really changed much at least from my perspective. I feel more at ease now and I do say the file has helped me a lot even in areas I didn't expect (like loosing 25 pounds). I no longer feel like Naomi is someone one else she is me. I don't know how to explain it, she's there but not at the same time, I no longer need to become her to enjoy being a cat girl. Summer says I've loosened up sense then and my desires sexually have subside. Life had lost its luster and Naomi lightened it back up. I'm no longer held up worried to express myself. I am Andy hear me raw!


I haven't been on this site in a while no reason in particular I have the attention span of a monkey mind always wondering. Just thought I'd update this post. Thanks UK for the pm

PostPosted: May 25th, 2009, 11:52 pm
by pyroid
OH yeah almost forgot, a good file combination is
EMG's Lucid dream and Curse Trig Catgirl

1. listen to the lucid dream file two or three times before bed until it starts to take affect.
2. Once it takes affect as you sleep loop the body of curse catgirl low enough so to hear it but enough to not pay it much mind. (I played it on speakers on my computer, but I think headphones should work)
3. Repeat steps one and two for about two weeks and on June 9th post your experiences here. Trust me your in for a ride!


PostPosted: September 3rd, 2009, 8:11 am
by Jessica2317
this is very interesting as it happened with me. Im being feminized at the moment and immediately after I had a session with a hypnotist, my other half came out. It was like a dual personality.

And as you said Pyroid at the top of page 3, it is just another side of me. There is nothing to fear. It is nice. We talk occasionally in the mind and we can hop in and out anytime we want.

It's like two people nearly, you just need to respect each other and there is nothing to fear. You will get yourself back.

PostPosted: September 4th, 2009, 5:17 am
by Miracle_Never_Happen
Has anyone heard from DKaiser lately?

PostPosted: October 1st, 2009, 8:45 pm
by pyroid
Nope can't say I have.


I think I might try and whip a little something up for you guys I cannot promise anything great though so don't expect wonders right away.

text to speech

PostPosted: October 2nd, 2009, 9:22 pm
by pyroid
I have a decent text to speech prog now so I might just whip up a file for this in the next couple of weeks

PostPosted: November 27th, 2009, 4:07 pm
by personguy25
hm, this all sounds very interesting. i would like to create a split personality but i would want to have a few safeguards put up and a few extra things. also i have trouble going into a trance. i have just recently started listening to some files and im trying to find an induction that works for me but so far all. the files ive used havent worked. anyone know any good free split personalities and iduction files on here that i could check out? thanks.