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I'm I just focusing or ???

PostPosted: May 24th, 2009, 10:40 pm
by gdawg28092
I have noticed lately that while in trance I will be to the point I know there is a voice talking but I have no idea what is being said then suddenly I will start hearing every word clearly almost as if someone shook me and got my attention. Is this just my mind coming into focus on what is being said or is my mind panicing and trying to wake me up. Everything becomes clear but I have no need or ability to move or wake completely. I believe it just clarity coming to my mind for that reason and also because when I do wake most of the time I can remember being able to hear everything perfectly clear, but I can rarely remember exactly what it was I heard, if I can remember any of it at all. :?:

PostPosted: May 25th, 2009, 4:23 am
by cardigan
You are doing fine, and it is very common to zone out to part of the file and then suddenly become aware at the file much later on. Just relax and don't worry - you are still in trance when that happens, but perhaps not so deep at that precise time. The depth of trance always goes up and down, but that's not a thing to worry about. Just know that you are doing fine and expect the changes to come, that the file is helping you to produce.


PostPosted: May 25th, 2009, 8:48 am
by FrankJ
Happens to me too. Frequently while in trance my mind suddenly notices that I am not focused on the words and becomes a little alarmed (maybe my conscious mind thinks that it will miss something important if it stays unfocused). Some months ago this always annoyed me a little which of course further rose my level of consciousness. However now, when it happens instead of thinking about it, I just focus on my breathing, which after a few moments brings me deep down again. You could try that, or maybe something else is better for you. Only thing that really matters is that, like Cardigan said, you dont let it bother you.