by Alien4420 » April 4th, 2010, 2:25 pm
Hypnosis can't do is change your body. Your height is set by your genes and while a minor's height can be changed with hormones once you're 18 your height can't be changed with anything short of a chainsaw. The best you could hope for is a file that affects your posture, that can work well, I've listened to one that improved mine dramatically.
Ditto for hair, it can be removed mechanically or chemically but the mind can't significantly alter the rate at which it grows and to the small extent it could by changing hormone balance none of the hair loss suggestions I've listened to work as intended because they don't use trigger the mechanisms that are known to alter hormone levels in men.
So -- some people keep trying with the body change files. But basically they're a waste of time unless you just want to *believe* that you're shorter or taller or hairless, in which case they can work well after you've had some experience with hypnosis.
OTOH, hypnosis can make you enjoy (or hate) things, make you do things. So it's great for (for example) going to the gym and putting on muscle. It can make you love to go to the gym. You can be hypnotized to shave yourself more often, be hypnotized to go get laser hair removal, whatever you want. I've had that done to me, I jumped into the shower and shaved all my body hair off and it was an ecstatic experience! That was after only one or two listenings, too.
If you really want to get a fast start on these things, and have some fun, try a file that connects the things you want to do with something sexual, and you'll find yourself doing it avidly! Like a jock training file if you want to build your muscles (but make sure you listen to one that doesn't make you dumb unless that's what you want). Non-sexual suggestions will work too, of course. Either way, read the body of the file before you go into trance to make sure the file does exactly what you want, for example I listened to a weight loss file once that had a suggestion that you don't like food, which wasn't something that I wanted.