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Outline for an induction

PostPosted: May 4th, 2010, 3:53 am
by malroth
Here's an idea i had for an induction script. Its not written yet, but here's what i was planning on happening during it.


Overload induction outline

has a metronome, and a mid frequency biaural beat
metronome voice speed, and biaural frequency increase gradualy untill point 26

then slow dramaticly

biaurals start at 10hz difference, raise to 30, drops to 5 carrier freq aprox

metronome starts at 60 bpmp and raises to 180 drops to 30

1 try to remember every word
2 breathe in 2 seconds out 5
3 remember to rember words, sugesstion that when he forgets he's already in trance
4 pay attention to biaurals explain how they work
5 breathe reminder
6 reminder to listen and remember every word
7 imagine how trance might feel
8 biaurals
9 breathing
9.5 remember not to forget
10 explain confusion induction
11 make them wonder when they might start feeling confused
12 ask them if they can tell how the biaurals are changing
13 and if they forgot their breething
14 multiplication by 3 explaination, allow them to concentrate
15 state that WHEN they start getting confused the hypnosis WILL shut down their

16 Have them concider how it WILL feel once they reach their limit and fall asleep
17 Mention that the biaurals might make it harder to concentrate
18 and that breathing 2/5 will prepare them for trance
19 Question how many lines of thought subject has and how many he can handle
20 reminder of power of three, Say that he can focus every bit of his concious
mind on the problem if he wants, he can remember the number in the sequence and can see the numbers in his head
21 ask if he can remember if he's feeling confused or not.
22 and if he forgot how he thought trance was supposed to feel.
23 and weither it was two or three things more that he was supposed to remember to do
24 and wheither he was supposed to breathe in for three and multiply by two, or multiply by three and breathe out for 2
25 recall the feeling they imagined or remembered trance to feel like
26 remind them that they forgot to remember to remember every word you said and

that since they forgot your wordw they're already in trance and that it would feel better to just go to sleep and listen


opinions and comments welcome