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Empty Stomach??

PostPosted: April 16th, 2005, 12:43 am
by danmalara
I've been hearing that with hypnosis and astral travel and all that good stuff, that having an empty stomach is a good thing. Does anyone know why?

PostPosted: April 16th, 2005, 1:03 am
by makidas
your digestive system draws energy away from your body, at least thats how it applies to astral travel

PostPosted: April 16th, 2005, 8:55 am
by Lord_Mizaru
No offence intended to any of you, but astral projection can be a dangerous thing if you don't know what you're doing. Besides that, I doubt most of you would be able to pull it off, it's not *quite* as simple (that was sarcastic) as the websites where you've doubtless read about it make it seem. You need to be quite aware of how things work in terms of energy to even begin to get close to the level of awareness necessary to pull it off. Even then you wouldn't be able to control where you went with it, that would require more training than you can imagine.

As for the empty stomache thing, I've never heard of it myself, but you can always give it a shot. As with most things hypno I'm guessing it's a pretty personal thing.

PostPosted: April 16th, 2005, 1:06 pm
by loadedkaos
I find it is easier for me to concentrate when my stomach isn't full and trying to digest food. However I don't think one should starve them selves, I just think it is best for people to wait a couple of hours after eating to hypnotize themselves. Plus I have personally struggleing with IBS so if I eat something big and go lay down my stomach will make a bunch of weird noises and start feeling like crap. Pretty hard to relax with that going on, although I have actually have gone under a little like that it still puts the odds against me.

PostPosted: April 16th, 2005, 3:03 pm
by makidas
ummmm, astral travel is easy, and your more safe in the astral realm, then you are in the physical realm, so stop trying to scare people away from it. what are you, an armchair occultist?? have you even done it before?? cuz from what you just said, you obviously know nothing about the astral realm. :x :x

PostPosted: April 16th, 2005, 3:36 pm
by Lord_Mizaru
I'm not an occultist at all, I'm quite knowledgable about energy in general. The astral realm is safe in most parts, but no where near safe in others. You can easilly end up in those places if you don't know what you're doing, like I did my first time.

PostPosted: April 16th, 2005, 11:34 pm
by danmalara
Mizaru, makidas is pretty knowledgeable. I think that he is right and astral travel is easy, you just make it hard. You have to think positive. I'm no expert, and makidas is actually training me to astral travel. You seem like a very negitive person. Maybe I'm wrong but still...

PostPosted: April 17th, 2005, 3:55 am
by makidas
honestly dude, your never in any real danger, if you get tossed into another realm, its for a reason, you need to learn something, once in a while you even get a guide. also you can make doorways into any realm that you wish if you just want to go for kicks! but, as always it is best to travel with a purpose.

PostPosted: April 17th, 2005, 7:18 am
by Cubeguru
my advice is just to go with the flow....just relax, plus theres no such thing as a bad realm, well there is but cant be as bad as real life. :D :o :lol: :) :? :( :cry: ..........i know, "shut up n00b"

PostPosted: April 17th, 2005, 10:46 am
by Lord_Mizaru
makidas wrote:honestly dude, your never in any real danger, if you get tossed into another realm, its for a reason, you need to learn something, once in a while you even get a guide. also you can make doorways into any realm that you wish if you just want to go for kicks! but, as always it is best to travel with a purpose.

True enough, and it's going without that purpose that can lead to the danger. Or, if as you say, they've got it comin. The more powerful the person that goes there, the deeper they can get. My first shot, I ended up in what most people would call the seventh layer of the astral plains. Not what I'd call it, but that's how a pagan friend of mine refered to it.

PostPosted: April 17th, 2005, 12:15 pm
by makidas
interesting, u know, there is an infinite number of parallel planes to explore. personally i have been thrown into two other planes. i couldn't name them if you asked :D I have also entered all of the elemental planes through tattwa ki. The human mind is capable of incredible things!

PostPosted: April 17th, 2005, 1:14 pm
by Lord_Mizaru
makidas wrote:interesting, u know, there is an infinite number of parallel planes to explore. personally i have been thrown into two other planes. i couldn't name them if you asked :D I have also entered all of the elemental planes through tattwa ki. The human mind is capable of incredible things!

That's not the mind, that's the human spirit. The seventh plane, as she called it, would be something close to what most would call hell. It's where all the bad shit goes that has nowhere else to.

PostPosted: April 17th, 2005, 1:38 pm
by makidas

PostPosted: April 19th, 2005, 12:23 pm
by Cubeguru
actually i believe its a combination of the two, mind and spirit, kinda like chinese yin and yang

PostPosted: May 4th, 2005, 10:30 am
by loony28
Lord_Mizaru wrote:
makidas wrote:interesting, u know, there is an infinite number of parallel planes to explore. personally i have been thrown into two other planes. i couldn't name them if you asked :D I have also entered all of the elemental planes through tattwa ki. The human mind is capable of incredible things!

That's not the mind, that's the human spirit. The seventh plane, as she called it, would be something close to what most would call hell. It's where all the bad shit goes that has nowhere else to.

:twisted: So how come you ended up there on your first shot? Your astral body can instantly return to your physical body so there is very little danger to you while you are out. The biggest threat is being drained of some energy which in itself will snap you back to your physical body. I've had one experience of leaving my body. I knew what was going on and I was able to direct where I wanted to go but I was only out for about a minute. When it happened I had been trying to project for some time but on that night I didn't even try anything to produce a projection, it just happened. :twisted: