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Dosage required

PostPosted: May 16th, 2010, 3:23 am
by English
Hi One & All
I’m new to this arena so thought i’d introduce myself .
I recently went through a bad blip in my life so at present i’m gradually rebuilding myself/life one day at a time and found self-help hypnosis very supportive . Through various avenues i’ve ended up at this site, mainly looking for self-help and general hypnosis but after browsing through posts i became to realise i may have a few latent itches that need scratching or not we’ll see :o .
My question i would like to ask is about dosage is there too much you can subject yourself to, when do said effects stops working or lessen. I had problems sleeping due to too much thinking and thoughts running through my mind so used hypno to help and now find i do most/every night and also in the morning. Does varying files help or hinder the message/experience as i seem to use lots of different files or same message but different authors depending on my state of wellbeing. I used to use a hypnotherapist many years ago which was usually one session one solution. Prehaps each file should have prescription like “twice daily after food just before sex” :lol:
Thank you for taking time to read this and look forward to some positive replies.


PostPosted: May 16th, 2010, 11:03 am
by angel123
Hi English and welcome,

I think there are a few posts like yours with answers, so maybe read loads.

I am new too, so it's good to see a fellow newbie, I was advised to just use one or two main files as more than that can mess up the efficiency of the files and also confuse my thinking (I am already confused enough !! :D ).

I was after general hypnosis until I reached here 8O then i was a kid in a candy shop ... and wanted to try everything - all on one day !!! :lol:
I have since calmed down and realised Rome wasn't built in a day. I use two files mostly with an induction file to start. Once I feel these are working quite well I am going to introduce a third file in place of one of the others and so on .... :wink:

Maybe the experts will have more advice for you,
Angel :)