hows this for a file idea "Harvey"

for those old enough you know about Harvey
Harvey was the 6ft tall anthropomorphic rabbit companion of James Stewart in the movie Harvey
only he could see and hear him and no one else could
this file will give you a constant companion
such as Harvey was to James Stewart in Harvey
but unlike in Harvey
your companion will know not to try and have a conversation with you in public or when your around others
it doesn't necessarily need to be a rabbit either just a companion of any species human, animal or otherwise
but of course i would want the rabbit :P
and your companion will leave you alone when you want to be left alone
could even have a trigger like "summon harvey" to have your companion appear to you and "goodbye harvey" to put him or her away
etc etc
just some thoughts
would something like this even be possible ?
Harvey was the 6ft tall anthropomorphic rabbit companion of James Stewart in the movie Harvey
only he could see and hear him and no one else could
this file will give you a constant companion
such as Harvey was to James Stewart in Harvey
but unlike in Harvey
your companion will know not to try and have a conversation with you in public or when your around others
it doesn't necessarily need to be a rabbit either just a companion of any species human, animal or otherwise
but of course i would want the rabbit :P
and your companion will leave you alone when you want to be left alone
could even have a trigger like "summon harvey" to have your companion appear to you and "goodbye harvey" to put him or her away
etc etc
just some thoughts
would something like this even be possible ?