by Gralokar » June 23rd, 2010, 12:43 pm
I also have an INTP personality and have trouble with the files.
So far what I would rate had the best effect (not necessarily one leading to a trance, I'm not sure if I reached that state guided by a file) was one which had me echo the words in my mind, replacing "you" by "I" and "I" by "you". It stopped a lot of extra thinking, helping with the concentration.
The result was that I was more able to relax. However, I know that I tend to have these TV or book trances, which you suddenly snap out of when someone pokes you when you don't respond, being completely absorbed by the TV or the book. I think I would define a succesful trance-by-hypnosis-file as one that ends like that: snapping out of it, suddenly realizing I was "away".
Does this make any sense to anyone?
From reading various books, it appears to me it really shouldn't be that hard. I read that some people can train themselves to go into hypnosis just by using a gesture or something as simple as that. I imagine that would be the perfect way to get further with these things: learn that trick and use it prior to listening to the body of hypnosis files.
Also, I have virtually no ability to visualize anything. If I close my eyes and someone wants me to imagine a doorway I step through, I will not see/feel/hear/whatever a doorway. I will only see the reddish shade of the inside of my eyelids. I have somewhere the abstract idea of a doorway, but I cannot step through it, because I can't imagine stepping through something. I've always had this problem, I'm also unable to for example stop or reverse a running wheel in my mind, although I'm also not able to see or feel it anyway.