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Working on a trance

PostPosted: July 21st, 2010, 10:23 am
by Blackjaz
Hey, I been having trouble getting into a deep trance. So, I was wonder if I should maybe listen to a induction to get my body used to going into trance. If I should, what file should I really do help my body relax and get used to being hypnosis by file.

I downloaded Bubble Induction and Blink induction (but remix by Cailmore). Not sure if they'll do the trick.

PostPosted: July 21st, 2010, 11:17 am
by ocntrl
In order to learn to trance i would suggest Blink because that one just focuses on trancing and nothing else.

Bubble is a good induction but introduces a trigger that is rather profound and probably not the best way to start.

Allow me to point you to my own basic trance file that targets people that are looking for a simple deep trance with no frills.

Good luck.


PostPosted: July 21st, 2010, 1:19 pm
by Blackjaz
ocntrl wrote:In order to learn to trance i would suggest Blink because that one just focuses on trancing and nothing else.

Bubble is a good induction but introduces a trigger that is rather profound and probably not the best way to start.

Allow me to point you to my own basic trance file that targets people that are looking for a simple deep trance with no frills.

Good luck.


Thanks. Yeah, I started this whole I want to be hypnosis thing ever since 06. It was two year ago I was trance by a person in a cam/microphone session once. I had a lot fun and was shock I was just doing what he said. Hope to get the same result with mp3. Hopefully this file can also help me relax too, I seem to have a problem with that.