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forced gay

PostPosted: August 21st, 2010, 7:26 am
by subjimmy
can i really listen to forced gay file and become gay without wanting to have some feeling about being gay ? wouldn't i have to want it in my mind ????? i've listened a few times .... i will admit i will listen more ..... jimmy

PostPosted: August 21st, 2010, 7:37 am
by mutatedbunnyboy
its debateable, however this file seems to a have a huge success rate so even if you're not in to being gay there is a good chance it may work anyway. keep it up, it eill be interesting to see what happens

Re: forced gay

PostPosted: August 21st, 2010, 10:12 am
by Alien4420
subjimmy wrote:can i really listen to forced gay file and become gay without wanting to have some feeling about being gay ? wouldn't i have to want it in my mind ????? i've listened a few times .... i will admit i will listen more ..... jimmy

It hasn't failed yet! Except for one guy who popped out of trance, that will happen if you're dead set against something. But if you're willing to let it do its thing it will.

PostPosted: August 21st, 2010, 2:40 pm
by Korusi
That's something I was saying on the other topic.

If you are receptive to it at least SOMEWHERE inside your head - it will more than likely work on you.

The only ones it won't will pop out of trance and just reject it entirely. The mind will protect you from things you don't want.

That's what is scary to me sometimes; I don't want to try alot of files here because I am afraid of what I want deep inside my sick mind haha.

PostPosted: August 21st, 2010, 2:54 pm
by Alien4420
Korusi wrote:That's something I was saying on the other topic.

If you are receptive to it at least SOMEWHERE inside your head - it will more than likely work on you.

The only ones it won't will pop out of trance and just reject it entirely. The mind will protect you from things you don't want.

That's what is scary to me sometimes; I don't want to try alot of files here because I am afraid of what I want deep inside my sick mind haha.

Heh, I'd be more scared than that because as I said in the other thread I think you can be programmed to want stuff you didn't before.

PostPosted: October 8th, 2010, 7:32 pm
by Alien4420
I know of only one other person who's reported failure -- he popped out of trance, which usually happens when your superego rejects a suggestion. But I'm sure that, as you suggest, there have been others. As with any hypnosis file, CFG will work only on those who are hypnotizable, and have learned to go into trance. Which isn't everybody by a long shot.

While there are some people who spend a lot of time here struggling to master trance, I have a feeling that most people who find they can't be hypnotized get bored and wander off. So this is a self-selecting crowd to some extent, and success reports are going to reflect that.

If you listen while masturbating, it seems to me it's going to be JO material rather than hypnosis. If you're serious about wanting the effects, you should focus on going into trance.

I agree that Train Sex Men is a "nicer" file -- but by the same token, it may not have the sledgehammer effect the curse files have on some of us.

PostPosted: October 9th, 2010, 3:42 am
by zapnosis
frownyface420 wrote:
ummm i don't think it works to that well at all... i mean you don't hear about the people who it doesn't work on... they're not lingering on the forums, they don't care to share with others that it didn't do anything...

I listened to it once, years back. I was just curious about the file, I had no interest in being turned gay. I listened to it once, then thought meh and left it. I wouldn't expect it to work on one listen, most files don't.

PostPosted: October 10th, 2010, 4:29 am
by ftslave67
I think Korusi has it right--it will work to the extent that you are ready to accept the suggestions in the file, consciously and subconsciously. If you weren't already a little turned on by the idea that you could be made gay against your will, you wouldn't listen in the first place, right?

And as for masturbation taking you out of trance, there's a couple editions on here of "Mastur-trance", which suggests that masturbation will put you into trance and enhance your suggestibility. I like throbbybobby's version, personally.

PostPosted: October 10th, 2010, 4:30 am
by ftslave67
Oh yeah, and subjimmy, there's a whole 38 page thread on this subject in the "Success Stories" section. Good luck!

PostPosted: October 27th, 2010, 9:57 pm
by river12
frownyface420 wrote:this is just my opinion or something???

ummm i don't think it works to that well at all... i mean you don't hear about the people who it doesn't work on... they're not lingering on the forums, they don't care to share with others that it didn't do anything...

for me, the first time i listened to it was 2005? i dunno, 5 years ago sheesh that seems longer than i thought, but it hasn't turned me gay, maybe because i've never just listened to it but masturbated while listening to it? gay porn has never interested me, i mean maybe once or twice i've gotten off but that was more me "forcing" myself to get off and trying to be gay... it didn't stick and i've listened to almost every file on this site that deals with sexuality change, nothing made me gay and i was for surzies able to have sex with girls even after a year or so listening to the file

but i won't say it hasn't affected me... i've had transgender feelings my entire life and started listening to feminization files as a outlet hoping i'd transition somehow and well after 5 years i finally found myself in a comfortable place to transition, but i never wore panties under my male clothes like the files said... i never shaved my legs until i lived alone...

what i'm trying to say is that the files don't do anything... a file can't force you to be gay, be transgender, blah blah blah... only YOU can FORCE YOURSELF (or accept yourself?) to be gay, maybe your into that transformation stuff (i am), the idea turns me on but it never stuck... maybe your just bored?

does any of this make sense? i'm not saying its a bad file, its fun... i like to watch tranny porn and listen to it hoping one day ill finally be a girl :) which while i write this... doesn't sound like a bad idea right now!!!

oh and train sex men is a better file... its nicer and doesn't tell you your "not worthy..." but that just may be the girl in me hehe

I agree i have tried it twice now in 2 days and not working, i have however had other files on here that have worked but they were with different authors.