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HELP! I Can't Be Hynotized!

PostPosted: September 18th, 2010, 7:26 pm
by JDziewaltowski
So, is there anything I can do to help the process of going into a trance? Because I've tried several files on here, and only 2 of the 12 I tried had any (and very slight) effects.

Any suggestions, or is the saying "Not everyone can be hypnotized" true?


I've explained more about my problem in my journal entry:

PostPosted: September 18th, 2010, 8:37 pm
by Enargo
Don't say you can't get into a trance, you CAN! Everyone does it all the time. Trancing with a file may take practice because everyone tances at a different rate. A session with a tist will do it for you.

PostPosted: September 18th, 2010, 8:56 pm
by sleepyjosh
Everyone can be hypnotized, and everyone is on a regular basis. Whether or not you can be easily hypnotized by listening to a pre-recorded file is a slightly different matter, since different people respond to different stimuli to varying degrees.

Like most things in life, practice makes perfect. Yes, you may have some degree of inherent "hypnotizability," as most of us have, and you may have less than some. But all hypnosis is self hypnosis, which means ultimately, you are the one who makes the trance happen, and if you practice you can get better at it.

My advice is to look again at the 2 out of 12 files that seemed to work for you... at least a little bit. Was there anything different about them, from the other 10? Did they have a certain tone, style, subject matter? See if you can isolate what it was about those files that made them easier for you to trance to, and seek out similar files. Maybe look at other offerings from the same authors/hypnotists.

I'm sure you are able to be hypnotized... but what kind of results you will see from listening to mp3s like the ones on this site has mostly to do with how dedicated you are to improving.

PostPosted: September 28th, 2010, 2:54 pm
by orva
I'm just starting out with hypnosis as well. This is my second real try at it, the first one didn't go well and I became disheartened but now things are going better. I find that I have great difficulty with files that contain no bineural sounds but if I play a second file of bineural sounds in the background I do not encounter this difficulty. You may wish to re-try some of those files doing this to see if it helps.

PostPosted: September 28th, 2010, 5:11 pm
by sungoddd
From my understanding being in trance isn't anything super unique, we do it everyday. Have you ever driven some place, and don't remember driving there, but some how you got there safely. Trance is just a focused state for the most part, at least from my understanding. Id just listen to what you are listening to and maybe you are in trance, maybes are a lot better than a no in this situation. The only way you can really tell if you are in trance is very subtle things, most of which you have to view, which isn't really possible with your eyes closed. So id just say don't worry about it if you are in trance or not, you probable are to some degree.

Something I do that helps me at least is i do a meditation/trance sorta thing. I focus on the words and my breath and try to keep my focus on just those 2 things. Anyhow hope that helps

PostPosted: September 29th, 2010, 2:49 pm
by ocntrl
I am afraid I keep repeating myself, but you should start with simple inductions, not body or mind altering files.

Trancing to files is something your mind has to learn to an extent, so just like anyhting you try to learn, you have to start with the basics.

Compare it to learning to play tennis. Would you and try to qualify fro a grand slam the first time you hold a racket? Exactly.

So start with simple inductions that are only that, inductions.

Once they work properly (and it may take a couple of weeks for some people) you can move on.

Re: HELP! I Can't Be Hynotized!

PostPosted: October 27th, 2010, 11:29 pm
by river12
JDziewaltowski wrote:So, is there anything I can do to help the process of going into a trance? Because I've tried several files on here, and only 2 of the 12 I tried had any (and very slight) effects.

Any suggestions, or is the saying "Not everyone can be hypnotized" true?


I've explained more about my problem in my journal entry:

I find i go under more on certain authors and files.

but bear in mind even if you have gone into trance and listened to file unless your willing to do what the file says before listening then that file wont make you do it.

Hynotising someone to do something they dont want to do will not work.

Re: HELP! I Can't Be Hynotized!

PostPosted: October 28th, 2010, 3:21 pm
by Liann
river12 wrote:
JDziewaltowski wrote:So, is there anything I can do to help the process of going into a trance? Because I've tried several files on here, and only 2 of the 12 I tried had any (and very slight) effects.

Any suggestions, or is the saying "Not everyone can be hypnotized" true?


I've explained more about my problem in my journal entry:

I find i go under more on certain authors and files.

but bear in mind even if you have gone into trance and listened to file unless your willing to do what the file says before listening then that file wont make you do it.

Hynotising someone to do something they dont want to do will not work.

TV commercials often hypnotise people into doing things they didn't want to do. They change your WANTS. It is called persuasion, and through indirection, confusion, and repeat conditioning of suggestions, subjects can do 180 from previously held positions.

If you can get a person to sit in an easy chair, grab their attention with some sex object model person, and drone a message into her head, in no time at all she's phoning the number on the screen to order one. It is something that she didn't want and doesn't need and cannot afford in her budget. Try looking at HSN (home shopping network) channel sometime, with easy flex-pay payments for the next few months -- get two and the shipping is free on the second one.

Hypnosis requires compliance. Laws prevent the hypnotist to force a reluctant subject to comply, so that leaves the subject herself must agree up front to comply.

The hypnotist suggests that you do something. Either you do it or you do not. If you did it, then you complied. If you did not do it, then you refused to comply. The entire success is 100% in the subject's hands.

The skill of the hypnotist involves keeping your interest in complying.

If their timing is way off they risk boring you or irritating you. Neither of those solicits compliance. Hypnotists might have a bad off-putting speech style; the subject gets distracted by the speech and never follows the words.

"Street Hypnosis", "Conversational Hypnosis" and "Instant Hypnosis" regularly put people into trance in seconds without any prior training in trance. It takes nothing more than subject compliance to succeed.

One has to be engaging to get the subject to comply.

There are some files here which I cannot enjoy listening to. A few minutes or less of the voice sample and I hit the eject button.

Some people go on and on. More is not better.

My own files assume two things:
(1) Listeners have trained to go into trance easily by other files before, or
(2) By repetition of suggestions, listener can be trained to go into trance easily.

The files then are built with suggestions which promote repeated listening over a couple of weeks.

Type 1 listeners begin getting the benefits from the first listen, and type 2 newbies catch up within a couple of weeks, give or take a few days.

It is not necessary for me to eat up the subject's time unnecessarily. Either they are going to comply or not. Droning on and on and on is not going to change their decision, but chewing up their time is disrespectful and likely to invoke a negative response.

If you have tranced and know a trigger phrase to get nearly instant recall of the deep trance state of mind rapidly, just say it before hitting the play button. Who needs 20 minute inductions if a generic trigger is available?

It helps if one actually wants what the file advertises. Idle curiosity is not enough incentive to spend a lot of time for a dubious result. Skill in writing a file description alters the subject's expectations of return on investment of time and effort put into listening.

I find applying the rule of public speaking helps:
(1) Tell them what you are going to tell them,
(2) Tell it to them,
(3) Tell them what you just told them.

The file description is 1, the file body is 2, and a key points summary at the file end helps burn in the suggestions as 3. Repetition is important. Expectations are important, Truthfulness is important. Giving what you said you would is important.

Ultimately hypnosis by remote is possible but there are lots of things which could go awry on both sides. If pre-recorded files don't do it for you, then perhaps try phone hypnosis or go to the office hypnosis.

Once a person makes a breakthrough to deep trance it becomes easier. Practice makes perfect.

If somebody doesn't want to be hypnotized, chances are they will not be.

Like anything else in life, if you want the benefits, then you have to practice until you get good at it.

PostPosted: October 29th, 2010, 7:47 am
by ocntrl
Excellent post!
I will use a lot of what you state in here in my next files.

PostPosted: October 29th, 2010, 6:36 pm
by ftslave67
I would add to the other excellent suggestions: maybe pick one file & stick with it. Listen every day (or almost) for something like two weeks--until you get bored with it. When that happens, it will sink in, because you won't really be paying attention. Then, at some point, you're sure to notice the effects.

Most of this stuff is not going to work on one listen.

PostPosted: January 2nd, 2011, 6:36 pm
by jcdps
I have done many files and have (in my opinion) no success whatsoever. I can get horny on some files but that doesn't mean success.

I think timing is a big issue. Most files they talk too slow and my mind ends up thinking about whatever.

Maybe I will put it to the test with cfg.

Re: HELP! I Can't Be Hynotized!

PostPosted: January 5th, 2011, 5:15 pm
by bandler
Liann wrote:
river12 wrote:
JDziewaltowski wrote:So, is there anything I can do to help the process of going into a trance? Because I've tried several files on here, and only 2 of the 12 I tried had any (and very slight) effects.

Any suggestions, or is the saying "Not everyone can be hypnotized" true?


I've explained more about my problem in my journal entry:

I find i go under more on certain authors and files.

but bear in mind even if you have gone into trance and listened to file unless your willing to do what the file says before listening then that file wont make you do it.

Hynotising someone to do something they dont want to do will not work.

TV commercials often hypnotise people into doing things they didn't want to do. They change your WANTS. It is called persuasion, and through indirection, confusion, and repeat conditioning of suggestions, subjects can do 180 from previously held positions.

If their timing is way off they risk boring you or irritating you. Neither of those solicits compliance. Hypnotists might have a bad off-putting speech style; the subject gets distracted by the speech and never follows the words.
If somebody doesn't want to be hypnotized, chances are they will not be.

Like anything else in life, if you want the benefits, then you have to practice until you get good at it.

Great comments. I too find many voices too irritating to induce trance. I am also a bit of a control freak, and I don't go into trance easily. I discovered several excellent hypnosis recordings by Paul Scheele that put me into trance effectively. Practice with a good hypnotist's recording until you can go into trance reliably, then try out some of the less-than-hypnotic voices of the files you want to try.

PostPosted: January 25th, 2011, 6:54 pm
by killersponge
I too have had a lot of trouble with the files. I've tried atleast 10 of them and I've had no effects at all. I get into trance, but still nothing when I get waken up. There is something I'm doing wrong and I don't know what it is. I've done inductions and other things to help it... but the triggers don't work. Maybe I'm stopping myself from experiencing it?

PostPosted: January 25th, 2011, 7:35 pm
by Enargo
killersponge wrote:I too have had a lot of trouble with the files. I've tried atleast 10 of them and I've had no effects at all. I get into trance, but still nothing when I get waken up. There is something I'm doing wrong and I don't know what it is. I've done inductions and other things to help it... but the triggers don't work. Maybe I'm stopping myself from experiencing it?

focus on one you like for awhile, listen one or twice a day

PostPosted: January 27th, 2011, 4:26 pm
by Baggart
From what I've learned, hypnosis is something you have to learn. Just because stage hypnotists seem to be able to do all kinds of crap instantly doesn't mean they actually are.

They like build up. Start with something small, like a weird feeling, then something larger light hot and cold in certain areas whenever their name is spoken or something, then carry on like that until they have them dancing on the stage like maniacs.

Until recently, if I'm honest, I thought I was immune. I've still had no results and I've been trying for a year, but now I know why. I just need a file to do something very simple to me.

Another way of doing it...

PostPosted: March 3rd, 2011, 12:38 pm
by hydrogenocarbonate888
Hi !
I had trouble to get into trance too. To be honest I still have. But actually some files I use are working. My method ? No trance! Two pieces of advice :
1° Add a background file to the ones you're listening. I do like Calimore's ones ("x minute Background Binaural"),
2° Listen to those files&binaural as you would do with music. Surfing on the web, consulting your email, reading? Headphones on ! And to conclude your session, I recommend one final listening before sleeping.
That's what I did, without minding going to trance or not and I get good results in something like two or three weeks : my files work and I'm going more and more sleepy every time I listen to them (for those with induction indeed).

So, hope I helped.

PostPosted: March 23rd, 2011, 6:13 am
by Djourno
They'll all good suggestions. I suggest that if you want to be hypnotised (but have difficulty) try using a file that's about something you want to do in real life.

For example if you want to get fit, start exercising, jet yourself into a routine and then find hypno files that fit your goal.

It's easier for the effects of any file/video afterwards.

PostPosted: May 14th, 2011, 9:45 am
by Pothios
My experience is that we often come with a false idea about what trance is. For me this trance-experience, in which we forget everything and are really suggestible is very rare. I too couldn't get hypnotised but I started doing just 2 things new:

1. Paying real attention to what is being said, even making an effort to just pay attention to the voice. Forget the worries about going into trance or expecting something spectacular to happen.

2. Listening to the file everyday for at least 2 weeks. I often find that the files start working after 5 days or so.

PostPosted: May 28th, 2011, 2:31 pm
by bandler
I've seen so many posts like this here I made a file just for people who are having such trouble. Its called Samantha Sez. It is a plain vanilla hypnosis file, no kinks, no surprises. The TTS voice is the best on the site, so there are no issues with accents, heavy breathing, distracting lisps, etc. Try it. You'll like it.

PostPosted: May 28th, 2011, 6:32 pm
by BearBoy83
I'm listening to a file at the moment and no matter how many times I listen its not working, its called becoming a jellyfish :lol:

PostPosted: June 1st, 2011, 7:06 pm
by foxboroht
For me, I have found deep breathing to be helpful. Once I had learned to regulate my breathing, I found slipping into a trance state to be much easier.

Re: HELP! I Can't Be Hynotized!

PostPosted: June 14th, 2011, 7:31 pm
by joecomp2000
JDziewaltowski wrote:So, is there anything I can do to help the process of going into a trance? Because I've tried several files on here, and only 2 of the 12 I tried had any (and very slight) effects.

Any suggestions, or is the saying "Not everyone can be hypnotized" true?


I've explained more about my problem in my journal entry:

there is a file called TrainSusceptable (MP3) that has the script that helped me...I recorded it with my favourite induction and deepener...and mixed in a trigger... and then added a couple of tests for the trigger and out about 4 times.. whole thing was about 35 minutes...and make sure the last wake up has "and you feel completely rested " at the end ...cause going in an out is a work out ...
I recommend rerecording...that way you know what is in the MP3
( because you recorded it) and it should increase the confidence..and remove the "I don't want to loose control" fear

also this is very important for the trigger to work....don't fight it ...
just let the bottom fall out ..and enjoy the relaxation..

PostPosted: June 14th, 2011, 11:14 pm
by Cadbury145
bandler wrote:I've seen so many posts like this here I made a file just for people who are having such trouble. Its called Samantha Sez. It is a plain vanilla hypnosis file, no kinks, no surprises. The TTS voice is the best on the site, so there are no issues with accents, heavy breathing, distracting lisps, etc. Try it. You'll like it.

This is the only file that actually puts me to get it to work with other files.

Difficulty going into trance

PostPosted: June 28th, 2011, 7:22 am
by steven13
I have been having some difficulty also. So I tried using a spiral hypnosis video from Youtube. I actually managed to see the spiral stopped moving for a few seconds, it happened twice but I can't seem to do it again.