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PostPosted: October 11th, 2010, 4:22 pm
by hydrogenocarbonate888
Well, I don't know if this subjuect already exist. In fact I do think so but never mind.

Do anyone gets "results" with a file from another language than his/her native one ?
From a larger point of view, and for example should I (I'm french) expect lower or no results with english files (considering than my english is good enough to understand easily the files) ?

In other words, is a foreign language a bareer to hypnosis ?

PostPosted: October 11th, 2010, 4:47 pm
by zzzzz
i am Dutch, i speak and understand English, and i get good results with English language files ;-)

Maybe there are a few unexpected glitches because of not fully understanding everything... :oops:

PostPosted: October 11th, 2010, 11:59 pm
by ocntrl
In general I believe that if your understanding of the language is sufficient, it is no barrier to trance.

That said I did have an interesting side effect trancing a German speaking subject in English the other day.

When having him forget the number 7 (classic test) he still new 'sieben' (the German version) but was unable to recall 'seven' the English word.

So he did not forget the concept 7, but the English word for it.

That was actually quite interesting.

PostPosted: October 17th, 2010, 12:06 am
by Jeshi
I remember I once listened to Lutz's FORCE ME and FORCE ME 2 in a playlist despite not knowing any German. I ended up going into to trance and I felt like something was happening and I may have done some things and after a while I felt like I was starting to vaguely understand what some words meant(Learning via immersion rather than translation) but all I know specifically is that I woke up right when I was supposed to at the end up the first and second file.

Since I didn't properly understand the files I don't know if they worked, but I assume they didn't really. It was a fun experience and I got to pretend I understood German for an hour :D

PostPosted: November 7th, 2010, 5:14 pm
by hypnoidf
pour ma part, je n'arrive pas a entrer en transe avec les fichiers anglais ou francais.

J'ai publiƩ un script traduit ce jour.

For me, I cannot go in trance with english or french files.

PostPosted: November 7th, 2010, 6:49 pm
by Liann
The principles of hypnosis are language-independent, universal.

The language is required for fine points.

The subconscious mind is very likely to have an enormously larger vocabulary than the conscious mind is aware of.

Hypnosis is used in learning, including learning languages. The process of naturally learning one's native language involves subconscious absorption of the gestalt -- the whole context, sights, sounds, smells, emotional interplay, body postures and body language, cadence and rythyms.

People always understand more of a foreign language than they are able to speak that language. If you can post a message in English, you can use an English language file. You may need to look up some words, or have some slang explained to you, but you would get most of it.

PostPosted: January 11th, 2011, 2:26 pm
by bandler
Long ago and far away, I hypnotized a Japanese woman who spoke no English through an interpreter. I speak no Japanese, but the tone and rhythm of my voice had the desired effect on the subject while the meaning of the words came through the interpreter. What I got from that experience is that putting someone into trance is not language dependent, but having them accept suggestions requires that they understand the suggestions (duh!).

So, I would not expect a subject to follow a suggestion they did not understand (duh!) because they don't speak my language, or because I failed to express the suggestion in a way that was understood.

A lame story comes to mind: the hypnotist tells the subject they will become more and more lethargic, but the subject does not know what the word lethargic means.

Consequently, I try to use the simplest English words I can to express suggestions for English speakers.