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PostPosted: October 24th, 2010, 3:22 pm
by Psyzygy
I'd like to train myself to enjoy having blood drawn/injections. Thanks to trance training from this site I've already managed to overcome a phobic response to those things.

Does anyone have any ideas for files that could be helpful in training me to enjoy things? Or methods I could use? Specifically I am looking for a file that will let me use my own trigger. Does such a thing exist?

Any suggestions are greatly welcomed.

PostPosted: November 2nd, 2010, 4:20 pm
by zzzzz
"Banish pain" or "train total control" from the hypnofiles site?

Just curious, why do you want to enjoy this? And why don't you enjoy it now?

"pleasure pain" or "crave pain" or "trainpain2" from this site?

PostPosted: November 19th, 2010, 5:47 pm
by Psyzygy
Thanks for replying...

I cry easily when I get hurt because I hate getting hurt. Especially shots. I hate shots. But I know some people really like, say, piercings or medical needles. So if I could figure out how to think like that then I can psych myself into maybe even enjoying my next doctor visit.

I don't plan on doing stupid things with enjoying it. I'm just trying to counter my INTENSE dislike of small pains (like a pinch) into something more at least interesting.

Edited: Haven't tried it yet, but the ones from hypnofiles seem to be the right thing. Thanks! If I can turn this fear around it'll be wonderful!

PostPosted: January 11th, 2011, 2:28 pm
by bandler
Psyzygy wrote:Thanks for replying...

I cry easily when I get hurt because I hate getting hurt. Especially shots. I hate shots....
If I can turn this fear around it'll be wonderful!

I would like to know if you found a solution yet. I have a dislike of needles that causes me to pass out when I get a shot or give blood. If something worked for you, it might work for me too.

PostPosted: January 16th, 2011, 10:07 pm
by slutinmyhead
Honestly, it's pretty easy linking something you dislike to pleasure. It's just a matter of learning to reinterpret the adrenaline response. I suggest maybe sticking yourself with one of those tiny needles diabetics use to test their sugars, if you can get one. Maybe do it while listening to an induction to relax, but include every part of the ritual from wiping down your target spot with alcohol, etc. I'd consider masturbating while doing this, thinking about it and pricking yourself right before you cum. Do this every time you masturbate for a while and you will condition yourself.