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PostPosted: September 8th, 2005, 2:17 pm
by junko
Since I´m trying these files I sometimes feel something like an itching in my forehead (I believe it´s my brain). I don´t listen to the files anymore but this itching already lasts for 3 days and I´m really worried. It comes from time to time and when I try to relax it stops. Does anybody know what this could be? Should I see a doctor (I really don´t want to)?

PostPosted: September 8th, 2005, 2:28 pm
by makidas
It's probably just a head game that you're playing with yourself, but it might be a good idea to see a doctor if you're really worried about it.

PostPosted: September 8th, 2005, 2:50 pm
by cardigan
I am experiencing strange sensations in my scalp too. It started during a selv-hypnosis session a couple of months ago. It felt sort of like my hair standing straight - like if I had been frightened. I was worried at first too and stopped listening to the file, that I had been listening to at the time. I even made a script to reverse everything in that script. But to no avail. Then after a while I realised that this was a sign in my body, that I was going into trance. Sometimes - while awake I feel the same sensations. Usually when I'm deeply concentrated in my mind about some problem or something abstract. So now I use this sensation, that I have never had before to sort of fathom my deepness of trance. If I don't get the sensation, I need to use the induction a little longer - if I'm inducing myself manually. Then when the sensation comes, I know that I'm on the right track.

Everybody experiences trance differently, and usually you have to make up your own mind what you are feeling, because you have no-one to ask!

Hope this helps!

PostPosted: September 11th, 2005, 2:13 pm
by aeroue
I don't want to scare anyone,

but im pretty sure some of those frequencies are not healthy.

I used to be pretty into them till i got some new ones and they gave me a headache and something else i really cant remember :?

You can certainly feel some of them though.

And your braincan feel pain, i used to be pretty amazing at moving my bioelectric energy around, if i ever forced it into my head i got a weird pain

PostPosted: September 13th, 2005, 4:31 am
by MikeWulf
aeroue wrote:I don't want to scare anyone,

but im pretty sure some of those frequencies are not healthy.

I used to be pretty into them till i got some new ones and they gave me a headache and something else i really cant remember :?

You can certainly feel some of them though.

And your braincan feel pain, i used to be pretty amazing at moving my bioelectric energy around, if i ever forced it into my head i got a weird pain
Once when listening to SuperMind Preset IV, I managed to create a Ki-Ball the size of my fist and fire it at the wall. There is still a dark spot there I can't remove.

PostPosted: September 13th, 2005, 7:18 am
by Primus
If we're talking about the same kinda itching I usually get it on the sides o fmy head not the front but it usually corresponds with pushing my senses outside the body. The last time I did it I wound up curling a fork around my wrist. (for five bucks)

PostPosted: September 13th, 2005, 10:06 am
by MikeWulf
Primus wrote:If we're talking about the same kinda itching I usually get it on the sides o fmy head not the front but it usually corresponds with pushing my senses outside the body. The last time I did it I wound up curling a fork around my wrist. (for five bucks)
I do it for $2...I am such a whore.

PostPosted: September 17th, 2005, 4:22 pm
MikeWulf wrote:
And your braincan feel pain, i used to be pretty amazing at moving my bioelectric energy around, if i ever forced it into my head i got a weird pain
Once when listening to SuperMind Preset IV, I managed to create a Ki-Ball the size of my fist and fire it at the wall. There is still a dark spot there I can't remove.[/quote]

[nekkid]x pics?

PostPosted: September 22nd, 2005, 10:11 am
by nicosali
talking about strange sensations when going into trance I can feel my forehead heavy and sometimes I can feel what I believe is my brain but is not painfull at all. Sometimes I feel my head going numb also.

PostPosted: October 4th, 2005, 9:36 am
by junko
Well, after two weeks or so it weared off automatically (though my mother believes her healing reiki hands have done it).

PostPosted: October 6th, 2005, 8:43 am
by controled
I've only been trying to go under for about 2 days now but I've been spending a lot of time (6 hours a day) to try and make it work and my head feels funny - like I'm underwater or something.

PostPosted: October 6th, 2005, 9:44 am
by sandy82
controled wrote:I've only been trying to go under for about 2 days now but I've been spending a lot of time (6 hours a day) to try and make it work and my head feels funny - like I'm underwater or something.

Controled, I pass along some informal observations, for what they're worth. Take them or leave them. You already may know what I'm going to say. Nothing controversial, just some observations.

There are ten posts above yours, in a thread called "Worried." But none of those ten people are worried. Junko may have been worried in the beginning, but three weeks later he said that the symptoms had gone away. That leaves eight posts. Two are genuinely helpful in case Junko was really worried. The two authors aren't worried. One is written by a nice guy who wants to join in. That leaves five. All of them apparently are meant to show disbelief or humor, to one degree or another. In the case of three of those five, I know for a fact that they were written by people who don't believe there's a problem. One of these posts is so genuinely funny that I laugh out loud every time I read it. It is written with such a straight face that it's hard to spot.

You can get a better idea where people are coming from, if you read their earlier posts.

Nothing wrong with your post at all. Entirely the opposite. As this thread developed, the title "worried" became very different from the contents.

If I suddenly started listening to a recording six hours per day, I'm sure my head would feel funny too. When you change your daily routine so much and so suddenly, something is bound to feel different. But don't take medical advice from anyone who has no credentials. I have no medical credentials. I'm offering a layman's observation.

Glad to have you with us.