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Possible reasons for someone failing to become hypnotiesed?

PostPosted: September 16th, 2005, 9:02 pm
by J-man
I've downloaded alot of the files but have been unable to become hynotised. Has anyone here gotten off to a bad start but found a way to go into trance. What are some possible reasons I have been unable to go into trance?

PostPosted: September 16th, 2005, 9:28 pm
by GrimIronMan
What have you been listening to lately? The TrainSusceptible and Deepning2 I hope. Start with these, and you'll get better and better.

PostPosted: September 16th, 2005, 9:58 pm
by J-man
I've been listening to the Storytime and Trigpicture files. I'll make a CDrom of the the files you just reccomended. Could a lack of concentration be letting me down?

PostPosted: September 16th, 2005, 11:15 pm
by sandy82
J-man wrote:I've been listening to the Storytime and Trigpicture files. I'll make a CDrom of the the files you just reccomended. Could a lack of concentration be letting me down?

J-Man, before you take advice from anyone, I strongly suggest that you read their prior posts and draw your own preliminary conclusions about the quality of the information you're being given.

I draw your attention to the General Hypnosis Forum: "What works for rational personalities." You will note that in this thread GrimIronMan says he used a file that lasts 62 seconds (one hopes, more than once). He says that in three short weeks this one file cured of him of "muscle twitches" and "overanalysis."

If you believe that, by all means follow his advice. If you have doubts, why not look around, ask some questions, and get some advice from people who are genuinely knowledgeable about hypnosis.

The choice is yours. It's your mind, after all. You may even find that you have received satisfactory advice.

PostPosted: September 17th, 2005, 6:01 am
by BobbyS
Personally, it seems to me that more reliable advice tends to be from people who can provide links to websites or references to research. People offering their personal successful experiences can be very unreliable, and with hypnosis, success is subjective.

PostPosted: September 22nd, 2005, 10:23 am
by nicosali
are you new to this or you are an analitical type of person ?perhaps is because you are not use to go into trance but if you are an analitical type this adress will lead you to a website of the guy who created the software virtual hypnotist, there in the related links go to " my hypnosis mp3" there are several inductions with binaural beats , one of them for analytical subjects . If you are new to hypnosis perhaps you should check the "Help with files" section of the forum.

PostPosted: September 23rd, 2005, 1:40 am
by MikeWulf
I don;t have any links for you because I have been reading on hypnosis for ages now, but...Some people honestly can't be hypnotised with files over the Internet, not matter how hard they try.

PostPosted: September 23rd, 2005, 3:33 pm
by BobbyS
Part of this can be because files are too general, a hypnotist can learn what specifically relaxes you, whereas some people aren't into the whole 'you will obey my voice' kind of hypnosis.