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Ringing in my ear

PostPosted: September 29th, 2005, 10:00 am
by Howitzer
Hello, I have a slight ringing in my right ear. I've had it for years and I've gotten quite used to it.
My friends also tell me that I'm highly suggestable and fickle, and I believe their right. I have also induced self trances before.

The question is: Will the ringing in my ear keep me from being hypnotisable? I have tried the trigmass session once so far, with only a very very slight effect. I indeed entered a deep trance and my body was completely relaxed.

But the question still haunts me. Am I shut out from any real success with hypnotism?

Re: Ringing in my ear

PostPosted: September 29th, 2005, 4:49 pm
by Jack
Howitzer wrote:Hello, I have a slight ringing in my right ear. I've had it for years and I've gotten quite used to it.
My friends also tell me that I'm highly suggestable and fickle, and I believe their right. I have also induced self trances before.

The question is: Will the ringing in my ear keep me from being hypnotisable? I have tried the trigmass session once so far, with only a very very slight effect. I indeed entered a deep trance and my body was completely relaxed.

But the question still haunts me. Am I shut out from any real success with hypnotism?

Logically following your own entered words you should find your answer. No, your condition will not directly hinder your progress. If there is no physiological reason for the ringing(have you checked with a MD?) then I suggest a psychologist or hypnotist/hypnotherapist to help remove the psychological cause.

PostPosted: September 29th, 2005, 7:24 pm
by Howitzer
The cause is physical. The results of an ear infection I had. However, I have read that even after the injury has healed, the mind may continue the ringing. I have noticed that the noise comes and goes. If the noise can indeed be removed by a hypnotist, than I believe it is worth a shot.

To give you an idea of what it sounds like, put your ear up against the back of a television (muted). You should hear a high pitched noise. Thats what I live with.

PostPosted: September 29th, 2005, 8:59 pm
by Jack
Like I said. Have you consulted a physician about this? I mean the whole 9 yards. When you do they'll say something like "Well... I don't see anything wrong M(r/s). X..." I don't know if there are any ear/inner ear specialists, so you may or may not get a referral(I think there are) to -another- doctor... You may or may not trust your doctor. If you do, seek some psychological help.

PostPosted: September 30th, 2005, 3:16 pm
by cardigan
You might be able to have your tinnitus cured by hypnosis. Even if it was initially caused by an infection. You should definitely see a hypnotist about this.

PostPosted: October 3rd, 2005, 12:37 pm
by goldragon_70
If you don't have problems sleeping with the ringing, then you will probably not have a problem going into a trance while you hear the ringing.