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Real Physical Changes Possible???

PostPosted: October 1st, 2005, 11:19 am
by dlui
Well, I'm pretty new to hypnosis, so I've gone and read through the forum, and bits of other resources. Anyhow, I've got a question.

Are actual physical changes possible with hypnosis, or is it just perceived changes?

I've read through the posts in the forum, and some say it's possible, while others say it isn't.

The Success Stories section doesn't seem to have anyone who have had provable success with files encouraging physical changes, I'd like to know whether real physical changes are possible or not? By real physical changes, I mean changes that other people can see, and not just seen in your own mind/by yourself. Thanks.

PostPosted: October 1st, 2005, 3:08 pm
by Jack
Yes. Go back through my posts if you want to know the logic of my pov on the subject. There were a group of hypnotists who did a scientific study(I believe I posted the books title&author a while back). Also, you might want to check out information about spontaneous remission, faith healing, etc.

PostPosted: November 16th, 2005, 6:24 pm
by booo
jack, how do i go back to find only your post?

this is something i'd like to know also. when i use a file like trigmass, i wasnt sure if its was REAL physical change, or am i just thinking that it worked?

PostPosted: November 17th, 2005, 9:39 pm
by Jack
Click on the button labeled "profile" under my post. Then click on "Find all posts by Jack". You can browse through all of my posts that way.

PostPosted: November 17th, 2005, 10:10 pm
by dharden
Click on the "Search" link near the top of a Forum page, and you'll get a form that lets you search by author and keyword.