Covert Hypnosis within Wikipedia?!?!

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Covert Hypnosis within Wikipedia?!?!

Postby Storms » June 21st, 2011, 7:54 am


If your looking for it, it might not work as well. But I think there is actually a thinly veiled attempt at covert hypnosis on the wikipedia page about covert hypnosis. How cute is that?

With the punctuation and structure, it creates expectation, then there some misdirection, and then the suggestion.

But it could just be bad editing. Regardless, I was reading this late at night, and it didn't quite make sense so I reread it a few times. And then it hit me, that might have been the intention... Maybe.

Any agree or disagree? Am I crazy, or is that not a tricky section? I think given the content of the page, that it probably was by design.
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Postby bandler » June 21st, 2011, 11:16 am

I think you are giving the editors way too much credit. If this is the line you are talking about:

* Note: The majority of these examples are presentational story lines of professional magicians. The belief that these tricks use hypnosis is equal to believing anything you may see on a television entertainment program to be factual.

What is the 'suggestion' and what is the point of putting a suggestion here?

This may be an attempt to confuse, and I agree this is confusing, but what is the suggestion?
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Postby Storms » June 21st, 2011, 12:28 pm

Yup, thats it. With the colon and the bulleted list, and the first example in the bulleted list not being an example at all, but a badly written explanatory note.

The suggestion I gleamed from it, is that covert hypnotic induction in the media is TV fakery. In other words, "nothing to see here, folks, move along, and let us be with our honey hole"

Maybe wrongly so, looking at it with fresher eyes.

My experience has been the grammer is generally well policed on wikipedia. That section being worded so excruciatingly bad, it seems suspicious considering the subject of the page.
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Postby Storms » June 29th, 2011, 4:27 pm

I agree, I was reading too much into it. But isn't that the truth though, that perception is reality.

Really think you're lucky, and you'll find examples all day that support the notion.

I like to believe there's more out there than there really is. I like to think there is some kind of dirty evil conspiracy within our country for the banks to enslave and stupify us all.

It's way sexier than the more probable notion that our politicians are boobs who can't or won't regulate the bigger leagues of the financial industry, and no one cares.
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Postby bandler » June 29th, 2011, 4:48 pm

Storms wrote:I agree, I was reading too much into it. But isn't that the truth though, that perception is reality.

Really think you're lucky, and you'll find examples all day that support the notion.

I like to believe there's more out there than there really is. I like to think there is some kind of dirty evil conspiracy within our country for the banks to enslave and stupify us all.

It's way sexier than the more probable notion that our politicians are boobs who can't or won't regulate the bigger leagues of the financial industry, and no one cares.

Hold on there Storms,

There IS an evil conspiracy within our country, and around the world, and the banks HAVE enslaved us all.

The most accessible educational video series explaining all this is the Money As Debt series:

For all the brainwashed masses who tut tut the facts, answer this question,

Where Does Money Come From?

And when you have answered that question, imagine you are one of the people who creates money from nothing.

You could lend your 'friends' a trillion dollars or two, or twenty, because you are above the law and answerable only to the other conspirators.
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Postby Storms » June 29th, 2011, 7:20 pm

I get debt does indeed create money. And it is pretty much right out of thin air.

But so does a farmers market. Provide the right conditions for the right seeds, and months later dress up like a hillbilly and you too can have people give you money for food that didn't exist before.

And essentially out of nothing, a little more wealth is created.

Of course, that's over simplified, there's alot of overhead and leg work that goes into farming and proper hillbilly attire, but I think it's fair to say the same is true for a mortgage company.

To some extent at least.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but in a nutshell, all this means is the rich will continue to get richer, easier and faster - essentially the pitfall of unchecked capitalism - when the wealth and power accumulates with a lucky few?

That's evil, but I wouldn't think it's a conspiracy. Its just the nature of beast.
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Postby bandler » June 29th, 2011, 8:07 pm

Storms wrote:I get debt does indeed create money. And it is pretty much right out of thin air.

But so does a farmers market. Provide the right conditions for the right seeds, and months later dress up like a hillbilly and you too can have people give you money for food that didn't exist before.

And essentially out of nothing, a little more wealth is created.

Of course, that's over simplified, there's alot of overhead and leg work that goes into farming and proper hillbilly attire, but I think it's fair to say the same is true for a mortgage company.

To some extent at least.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but in a nutshell, all this means is the rich will continue to get richer, easier and faster - essentially the pitfall of unchecked capitalism - when the wealth and power accumulates with a lucky few?

That's evil, but I wouldn't think it's a conspiracy. Its just the nature of beast.

Clearly, you have given this matter about as much thought as the average wage slave has.

And it is equally clear you did not take a peek at any educational videos.

Do you remember in school when you learned about compound interest? The time value of money?

Do you remember how you were also told how money is created by banks AFTER you sign a legal contract to pay back the bank, and just in case you can't make the payments you must provide 'collateral'?

Not many people remember that lesson because it is not taught in schools.

To use your example, the farmer must collect or buy seeds, then plant them, then tend them, then harvest the produce, then transport produce to the market. A lot of work.

The banker sits in his air conditioned office waiting for someone, say a farmer, wanting to borrow money (to buy seeds). The banker then draws up a legal contract which says the farmer will pay the bank $105 tomorrow for the privilege of borrowing $100 today.

Contrary to popular opinion, the banker does not have cash to loan out like Jimmy Stewart in 'its a wonderful life'. No. The banker CREATES $100 on the spot. How? With keystrokes on a computer. Its called 'checkbook money' and bankers are allowed to create it from nothing.

So far so good, you assume. Money doesn't grow on trees, so someone's gotta make it.

The farmer must pay back $105. But only $100 was created.

Where does the other $5 come from?

Thats where it gets complicated. Because the bankers know statistically a small percentage of borrowers will NOT be able to pay back the money because there is mathematically NOT ENOUGH MONEY IN EXISTENCE to pay back all loans.

Enter the Sheriff and FORECLOSURE. The bank employs 'law enforcement personnel' to TAKE the property of people who can't pay back their loan.

BTW - now you know what the police motto 'to protect and serve' means. The full motto should read: To protect and serve the Owners.

Its not capitalism. There is no luck involved, for the owners anyway. It is the time value of their money.

But don't take my word for it. Watch the videos. Or better yet, educate yourself. Will you be glad you did?

If ignorance is bliss, why aren't more people happy?
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Postby Storms » June 29th, 2011, 8:42 pm

Easy there big boy. I'm unarmed.

There is some work when it comes to a mortgage. The lender has to carefully evaluate the risks, and more importantly, they have to come up with the funding.

Which isn't easy, unless you've been doing loans for some time.

I'll admit, I don't think there is any defense of fractional reserve banking.

But...... If you want to be part of the larger overall conspiracy, you can always sell a house yourself, and do owner financing. It's not common, but it's certainly not unheard of.

Or easier yet, I can't think of the name, but there's a website almost in the style of Ebay, where lenders (which could be you, me, or anyone else) can browse people wanting to borrow money. They're listed by their credit score, and the ads feature some of the details about why they wante the money.

Come! Come to the dark side, Bandler!
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Postby Jeshi » July 2nd, 2011, 11:12 pm

Wikipedia is well policed on popular topics. Often times someone will edit an obscure section of an obscure article with very poor grammar and backing and nobody will find it and change it for a long time.

A friend of mine once added ten zeroes to end of the number of people who die of whooping cough every year in the whooping cough article. It wasn't changed for 9 months and after one person changed the number to something else someone else, assuming that since the larger number had been there for so long it must be true, changed the number back to the fake one.

That section just looks like a bad run on paragraph that nobody thought to fix. You'll find plenty of that sort of thing on wikipedia, especially when reading book summaries :/
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