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Hypnotic High School Principle

PostPosted: June 30th, 2011, 11:41 am
by Storms
Of course its in Florida....

[url=]Link to ABC Story on George Kenny[/url]

Here's the story about the Florida High School principal who hypnotized as many as 75 students and staff in his school, some of which died afterwards.

If you watch the video you can hear his voice around the 1 minute mark. I don't recognize the voice, but sounds like he's slightly nasally and hard on his S's.

I don't think his a regular contributor here. Really too bad, guy must have been awfully convincing. Because as a student, or as one of his employees, I can't imagine someone allowing him to trance them.

Really, would you allow your boss to put you under?

PostPosted: June 30th, 2011, 4:46 pm
by KIY
To keep your job? (With today's economy, it is definitely a possibility.)

PostPosted: July 1st, 2011, 7:02 am
by KIY
I wouldn't trust my supervisor to know what the h--- she was doing! 8O (Come to think of it, that statement goes for the whole of the administration where I work... not good.)

PostPosted: July 2nd, 2011, 1:48 am
by cardigan
I don't think that hypnosis in any way was responsible for that student killing himself. Rather he was a troubled soul who sought help for his problems through hypnosis. Unfortunately he was too late and decided to commit suicide before the hypnotist had been able to help!

You can not through hypnosis alter a person's core values, go against their morals or ethics, or persuade them to do anything, they wouldn't want to do. With hypnotherapy you can help the client get an insight into what traumatic occurrences happened early on in his life, to give him the kind of mental problems, he later had - as a result of these traumas. But if you are a skilled hypnotherapist you never let the client leave your office before uncovered traumas like these have been dealt with and have been completely neutralized.

So if dr. Kenney did regular hypnotherapy, there's no chance he wouldn't know how to do this. But it's typical that every time something that can be connected to hypnosis is put into the media, a virtual witch hunt begins and people who don't know a thing about hypnosis rally around to ride the wave - so to speak.

I'd lke to recommend you watch the episode of Penn and Teller Bullshit where they deal with hypnosis. They practically ruined a very good and professional hypnotist (Wendi Friesen) by doing an interview with her, recording her work for a week, and then make a show about her, where they - because they were secretly biassed against hypnosis only showed a bunch of shots they had carefully selected and edited - to make it sound like she could cure cancer, and that people need not seek medical help - that sort of thing. And she was stupid enough to not have a contract with them saying that she would have the right to veto their show - before it was aired. But she was the victim of Penn and Teller. No doubt about it. They never showed any of her work with clients or stuff to show what great things you can achieve with hypnosis. They were the one ones who did the bullshit.

Don't believe everything they print in the media!


PostPosted: July 2nd, 2011, 9:05 am
by KIY
After viewing the story, I think it is mostly the news media who are implying a connection between hypnosis and the deaths-- probably to boost ratings. (Some of the parents might be, too-- the story wasn't covered particularly well.)

I'm not a big fan of the Penn and Teller show. When they covered the 9/11 conspiracy theorists they only covered the very extreme, making it seem that anyone who doubts the official story is deluded. (Whereas I don't believe that the passengers are all alive and imprisoned somewhere by our government, I DO believe that there exists the possibility that the Bush Administration deliberately ignored the warning signs an attack of some sort was going to happen in order to boost their ratings.)

PostPosted: October 24th, 2011, 5:59 pm
by angel123
I am beginning to wonder about not being able to make someone do something against their core values ... the guy that Derren Brown hypnotised in the manner that they allege the killer of Robert Kennedy was hypnotised ... appears to be very scary ............ :?

PostPosted: October 24th, 2011, 6:00 pm
by angel123
This may be the better link to the hour long programme :

PostPosted: October 24th, 2011, 7:52 pm
by Fizbin
Without looking at the video (yet) I've always maintained that it isn't so much that it can make you violate your core values as you are made to believe you are in the situation wherein the action is consistent with your values.

In other words, if you would never kill under any circumstances, you can't be hypnotized into doing so. If there is a case where you might, hypnosis could convince you that this is it.

PostPosted: October 25th, 2011, 3:18 am
by zapnosis
Don't forget that Derren Brown is an illusionist. If you see a magician pull a rabbit from an empty hat, it doesn't change what you already know about hats. Or rabbits, for that matter.

PostPosted: October 25th, 2011, 3:25 am
by sicksecretary
I WISH my boss would hypnotize me...