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New to this whole hypnosis thing; need help

PostPosted: September 25th, 2011, 4:51 am
by UchiDekihen
Basically, I've tried a few of the "relax relax relax blah blah blah" kind, and, well, they arn't working.
What else might I try, or would it be better to keep at it?

(EDIT: How appropriate that name I came up with is... >.>)

PostPosted: September 25th, 2011, 11:31 am
by mistermano
What exactly do you mean by "not working"? That you aren't getting "unconscious", so to say, to wake up once the voice starts saying so? Or that you aren't getting any effects from a file?

Just so you know, trance isn't like sleeping, so if you are finding yourself remaining completely conscious during the whole duration of the file, don't think it's not working. If, while you're listening, you feel like doing whatever you're hearing because "why not?", then it's working. Effects can take time, so be patient.

PostPosted: September 25th, 2011, 1:02 pm
by ocntrl
I will second mistermano's reply.

When you say 'not working', how do you expect it to work?

What do you think and expect trance to feel like?

Also, when you listen to a file that interests you, it is not a battle of wills, yours over the hypnotist.

If you sit/lay down planning to resist, you will resist, and nothing will happens.

If you open up and just enjoy the ride, it will be a fun ride.

I can recommend one of my files that explain in more detail what some of the misconceptions are around hypnosis and gives some hints to help the listener.

Maybe you can find something useful in there.

it is rather long and the intro is maybe a bit boring, but it think it could help.

All the best with your journey.

Re: New to this whole hypnosis thing; need help

PostPosted: September 25th, 2011, 2:32 pm
by bandler
UchiDekihen wrote:Basically, I've tried a few of the "relax relax relax blah blah blah" kind, and, well, they arn't working.
What else might I try, or would it be better to keep at it?

(EDIT: How appropriate that name I came up with is... >.>)

If you have premium membership, try Samantha Sez. If you don't have premium membership you can download that file from http://www.HypnoErotica.Biz

The file is designed for newbies that may or may not be having trouble with "trance". It is a simple induction which you can have confidence in: no kinks or twists. Samantha Sez part 3 has a trance test so you will know you have been hypnotized.