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PostPosted: October 28th, 2011, 7:23 pm
by Jeshi
Considering how worthless the rating system is, and how people have already been discussing ways to change it, I don't think this is a problem.

One person ranking everyone with ones is not going to ruin all of the people who listen to the files who will rate it higher than that.

On the other hand, I've found myself recently filtering out files by Haxsaw when I'm trying to find new files. This is like what happened with Stephen King, it's difficult to find any files not by Haxsaw on the new page and it makes me overlook anything he posts regardless of whether or not I would have normally found interest in it. Maybe he needs to do what Stephen King did and start pretending to be somebody else for some his other files? I wouldn't be surprised if someone rated everything he posted with a one just out of spite for this.

PostPosted: October 28th, 2011, 7:30 pm
by angel123
Jeshi wrote:. Maybe he needs to do what Stephen King did and start pretending to be somebody else for some his other files? I wouldn't be surprised if someone rated everything he posted with a one just out of spite for this.

I agree Haxsaw probably has some childish person trolling him :(

PostPosted: October 29th, 2011, 12:14 am
by DKaiser
I took a quick listen to Talk Like a Baby, out of masochism and boredom. It's... unique, to say the least. Not an actual hypnosis file, mind, just random baby noises punctuated with... something sharp and discordant that would prevent it from even working as a subliminal.

PostPosted: October 29th, 2011, 11:49 am
by sfhole2stretch
It's hard to have much sympathy for this. Those posting files are putting themselves out there for criticism or praise as the system is designed. Calling someone a 'troll' for expressing an opinion is the same as squelching their right to their opinion. In the case of Haxsaw .. IMO the files are of poor sound quality and insanely prolific. I too find myself filtering them out regardless of content simply because those to which I've listened aren't very good and his subject matter seldom appeals.

PostPosted: October 31st, 2011, 12:06 pm
by bandler
DKaiser wrote:I took a quick listen to Talk Like a Baby, out of masochism and boredom. It's... unique, to say the least. Not an actual hypnosis file, mind, just random baby noises punctuated with... something sharp and discordant that would prevent it from even working as a subliminal.

LOL - masochism and boredom... can that explain the popularity of TANGY's files? They routinely top the 'whats hot' list. I will have to examine them closely to see what subliminal magic they contain.

PostPosted: October 31st, 2011, 12:41 pm
by bandler
Okay, I did it. Out of masochism and boredom, and I must say curiosity, I listened to Haxsaw's latest - 'Japanese Girls'. I'm thinking seriously about making a file with the same title.

First, let me say the sound quality is twice as good as the last Haxsaw file I listened to. However, twice nothing is still nothing. It honestly sounds like he recorded it with his built-in laptop microphone while sitting in a cafe. About three minutes in, there are voices chatting and laughing in the background. At about 7 minutes in, the cafe muzak fires up, and seems to take Haxsaw by surprise. He rolls with it.

At 10 minutes (of a 12 minute file) he first mentions a Japanese girl. At 11 minutes the second Japanese girl, with DAGGER in hand appears. She stabs her dagger into the floor between your (the listener's) legs and then 'nibbles and chews' on your ear and neck.

To close out this recording the listener is told to count down from 500 to 1 while the Japanese girls use you.

The best laugh was during the induction when Haxsaw describes a candle, a coffee scented candle, and adds in a gruff voice, "I could go for a coffee!"

Like an elbow to the ribs.

Hilarious! I'm now a Fan of Haxsaw :D

PostPosted: October 31st, 2011, 11:19 pm
by DKaiser
bandler wrote:Hilarious! I'm now a Fan of Haxsaw :D

It's like a spectator sport, isn't it? Granted, I haven't listened to any of Haxsaw's recent ones, just an older one where you couldn't even really hear the voice over the backing track. You know, a backing track, that things that goes back behind the voice, not in front of it.

I understand not everyone has the money to spring for a proper home studio, but my early files were done with a microphone sitting on the desk, and they came out fine. Typed a script up before recording even! Just, you know... some professionalism on files I make to upload to WMM.