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Just a simple Question

PostPosted: February 11th, 2012, 3:18 am
by WesleyBlue
Hi everyone,
I am totally new wih Hypnosis.
I am from Germany and my Question is:

Are the english spoken files gonna work by me?

PostPosted: February 11th, 2012, 12:44 pm
by zzzzz
I am from The Netherlands, Dutch is my primary language

I understand English when I watch a movie

Sometimes I read English books, and understand them too

I can even speak a little English, or write messages in it...

And on top of all, English hypnotic files work!


PostPosted: February 11th, 2012, 2:00 pm
by WesleyBlue
Oh good to know. Then I've got several question.

I have the feeling that i am not in trance during listing, because my mind try to translate what there is said and so i am not fully relexaed. Am i right?

How many times do i have ti hear ist, because I listend to on FIle with an Plug several times and nothing happend.

Can i hear it full night long, if i fall asleep did it work also?
I mean is there any thing that happens, if i sleep during listining.

PostPosted: February 12th, 2012, 12:38 am
by WesleyBlue
Where do i get the script?

In the file discreption is listet script, but it is already an mp3 file

That one for example

PostPosted: February 12th, 2012, 1:59 am
by Jeshi
tanyaslave wrote:1) Get the script

2) Google translate it

3) 'Clean' it up

4) Record or TTS it

5) ???


Three flaws:
1. TTS tends to mispronounce words, especially foreign words.
2. Lots of hypnosis scripts have shitting formatting that wouldn't parse well in google translate.
3. Googles translate tends to make weird jarring translations that you jave to take a few seconds to figure out.

"Forget all wake up now counted to three. One two three." Now imagine that with a few pronunciation, prosody, and inflection oddities and think about whether it would be that much easier than a foreign language you're proficient in that's at least spoken by a human with the correct emphasis, prosody, grammar, and pronunciation.

Also you need premium access to get scripts.

WesleyBlue, there are files in German, nowhere near as many English but enough if it is a problem when they're in English. If you're good enough at English then you should be able to use them. Hypnosis works if you can accept a phrase without thinking about it (without thinking critically to be specific.) If you can think about it enough to understand it without also thinking about the actual implications of the content then it shouldn't be a problem. Being able to hear "You will X" without thinking "Will I really?" as an example.

PostPosted: February 12th, 2012, 3:01 am
by WesleyBlue
Jeshi wrote:
WesleyBlue, there are files in German, nowhere near as many English but enough if it is a problem when they're in English. If you're good enough at English then you should be able to use them. Hypnosis works if you can accept a phrase without thinking about it (without thinking critically to be specific.) If you can think about it enough to understand it without also thinking about the actual implications of the content then it shouldn't be a problem. Being able to hear "You will X" without thinking "Will I really?" as an example.

Is there a site with more german files. Does anyone know that?

I do understand 95% off all files without any problem. I am g able to hear "You will X" but my mind think, "will i really?" but that ist by german files the same.

PostPosted: February 13th, 2012, 2:46 am
by Midnight68652
english files will work depending on your comprehention of the language. If you are very good with it so you don't have to try very hard for it to come out then they will affect you because then its your subconscious doing the translating. Though if you have to think about it and process it in your mind to know what the words mean then they won't work.

Basicly go on youtube find something in english and how hard it is to pick up what they say is how much the trance will work.

I have hypnotized french girls before so it just depends on your understanding of the language

PostPosted: February 13th, 2012, 10:35 am
by HornyDude

Re: Just a simple Question

PostPosted: February 13th, 2012, 10:43 am
by Tangy
WesleyBlue wrote:Hi everyone,
I am totally new wih Hypnosis.
I am from Germany and my Question is:

Are the english spoken files gonna work by me?

Yes The subconscious mind knows all languages. it is Very clear

PostPosted: February 13th, 2012, 12:09 pm
by WesleyBlue
Thanks all for your help and input. The files still don't work, but i call the problem "solved" :)

Re: Just a simple Question

PostPosted: February 14th, 2012, 12:03 am
by qv
Tangy wrote:
WesleyBlue wrote:Hi everyone,
I am totally new wih Hypnosis.
I am from Germany and my Question is:

Are the english spoken files gonna work by me?

Yes The subconscious mind knows all languages. it is Very clear

Tangy, don't be a troll.