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Consentual Brainwashing

PostPosted: March 11th, 2012, 4:52 pm
by PhantomDog
I've been using the files here and on, and between that and some talking with my wife to get over her past trauma, she's actually started opening up and seems to be enjoying S&M.

More recently, I edited out some parts of the slut file that I didn't want in there (mainly editing it to be able to pertain to only one person.

Files like that recently, she said she enjoys blanking out and being as if she's not even here for it.
I talked to her about more advanced files, including ones that make her mindless/blank while she can still function around the house or sex(but be normal at work.

Further in the talk, we were discussing full brainwashing, including reprogramming her habits and personality. We both seem to really like the idea of being able to reprogram her to be able to act certain ways long-term, and being able to switch on/off her awareness around her.

I was wondering if anyone knew of any files that would work well on any of these matter? I know there are files that make her mind blank (don't know which are most effective).
We ideally would like a file that allows total and full (consensual) brainwashing and programming of her personality, anything around here like that?

In short, she had a relatively poor childhood, and had alot of things she would like to be reprogrammed. so far as she doesn't mind even becoming a totally different person, with her existing name.

PostPosted: March 11th, 2012, 9:43 pm
by Mutazoa
There's no single file that would accomplish all that...your looking at a total custom job...

PostPosted: March 12th, 2012, 5:30 am
by Arkadia
This seems to me to be a very complex request, and quite honestly, I'd suggest that files may not be the way to go. If you're truly serious, consider seeing a hypnotist for a live session with your wife, or preferably several, there are plenty of erotic hypnotists out there that will be happy to help. Or the alternative, take a course yourself, read all the books you can find, practice, and hypnotize her yourself. Best of luck :)

PostPosted: March 12th, 2012, 8:56 pm
by PhantomDog
Thanks, but I do already know how to do hypnosis...
I've hypnotized her before, but the job I'm working right now is rediculous labor, and when I get home, I don't feel like working more. :P

That, and lack of a good mic is the only reasons why I don't have any files on here... got a mic not too long ago, but now don't have the energy or time to record, lol.

I know some stuff about the psyche, and have good insight to my wife's...
but part of the problem, even when I have time, is I'm not sure of a good, safe way to empty her mind for being reprogrammed.

For starters, she was never really raised. She lived with their parents, but never knew them.

Things I still haven't figured out for the best/most effective approach are to actually REDEFINE who she is, including personality and mannerisms.

PostPosted: March 13th, 2012, 2:49 pm
by stan
If you want to be lazy about it .. or perhaps take the most efficient route depending on how you look at it, you might ake a look at some of the ideas Hypnomaster_D puts down called 'the global suggestion'.

Quite an amusing blog. Also if you're famiilar with fetlife, you can find a group on there called Global Suggestion with some more helpful input.

Rather than reinvent the wheel, you've got a co-operative wife. Get that co-operative part of her working for you, call that her subconscious if you like. Encourage the changes that you like.

PostPosted: July 16th, 2012, 1:34 am
by slutinmyhead
I think you could definitely supplement this with files. If any of mine interest you, let me know. I'd contribute a couple for an occasional progress update.