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sporadic success?

PostPosted: April 20th, 2005, 3:42 am
by thejesterinacast
has anyone here used a trigger file and had it work, then gone a while without using it, and then not have the trigger phrase work? happened to me with the trigfreeze2 file today. just wondering how long it might take to work again.

PostPosted: April 21st, 2005, 11:18 am
by drowsydawg
Triggers go away eventually with most people unless you keep reinforcing them with regular trances. This was why I eventually gave up on the audio files; I live with my retired partner in a fairly small apartment, and can never predict the rare occasions when I have the hour of uninterrupted idle time necessary to listen to the stack of WMM files I created to reinforce my submissiveness and plant triggers.

I think for them to be most effective you should consider ritualizing them. Set aside a time each day (or certain days of the week) at which you ALWAYS listen to the files, in the same environment each day, and then after a couple weeks your mind will be ready for trance before you even start. This will make the triggers stronger and longer-lasting between sessions. Maybe there comes a point after enough reinforcement where the trigger is just a part of you and you don't have to listen anymore, but your mind will "want" to keep going into trance every day at 7pm or whatever.

PostPosted: April 21st, 2005, 2:48 pm
by Cubeguru
nice tip....i'l use that, that might be why it might not be working, properly