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Finding it really difficult to trance

PostPosted: June 29th, 2012, 3:23 am
by s3xaddict
Listening to a variety of inductions, and finding it really difficult to switch off and go into trance.... at all times I seem to be conscious and alert, except when my mind almost goes to sleep: like i start to daydream/dream.

Anyone have any advice or tips as to how to get induced properly. Thanks.

PostPosted: July 3rd, 2012, 9:43 pm
by Chupi
I have the exact same problem. Everything I've tried so far has resulted in me feeling at most really relaxed and chill. I'm fully aware at all times, can move, get up, etc. I consciously process all words spoken at all points in the file, and don't really get any posthypnotic suggestions from it.

So far, the best induction I've tried is at [url][/url]. On the first listen, I got really relaxed. Second time I felt some slight flicker in my awareness when he snapped his fingers. Third time, back to just being really relaxed.

EDIT: I think my problem is that I keep consciously checking my progress. He says my body feels heavy and sleepy, and I find myself checking whether it actually does, or I consciously try to make it feel heavy and sleepy. Later today, I'll try just focusing on the voice after the initial relax part.

PostPosted: July 6th, 2012, 11:32 pm
by Evangeline
I too am having great difficulty entering trance. and do smiler things as you mentioned like checking my progress lol. any tips would be appreciated

PostPosted: July 12th, 2012, 1:49 pm
by ocntrl
Stop trying to measure your progress and just go with the flow.

Every single person will experience the small steps into trance differently, so take the description in the file as generic and not specific.

When the file says 'And you go 2 times deeper now', don't think about whether you go 2 times deeper or not and how that would feel.

Just accept that whatever change you feel, however small, or any effect you feel, however disconnected from your expectations about trance, to be the 2 times deeper.

If at the time it is said your left toe twitches... there you go... 2 times deeper.

And if the next time your breathing speeds up... there you go again... 2 times deeper.

The subconscious has a completely different way of measuring trance and as long as you try to measure it also consciously, the conscious will interfere.

Just let your subconscious do the job, whether you realize it or not.

All the best with your experiences.

something you may want to try

PostPosted: July 14th, 2012, 7:26 pm
by joecomp2000
something you may want to try.. record your own script...
or someone else script...

if you are doing the recording you can trust your own voice .. more than some else... ie lower you defenses a little ..

Choose a induction that works for you... record it with audacity and all the mistakes then quick edit ...

see if that works for you...
if it does consider posting it ...

PostPosted: August 29th, 2012, 12:07 pm
by Mandrache
You could watch some sort of hypnospiral.

PostPosted: September 17th, 2012, 12:34 am
by Midnight68652
best thing to go under is just relax. don't concentrate on anything but the voice/text do what it says but don't measure yourself.

PostPosted: September 22nd, 2012, 11:29 pm
by jtslave
Just accept that whatever change you feel, however small, or any effect you feel, however disconnected from your expectations about trance, to be the 2 times deeper.

This is very helpful, Ocntrl. "just accept", etc. I've also had difficulty trancing, although I've recently had success with repeated listenings to EMG's Blank. I can apply your advice to my own hypno sessions and possibly go even deeper. Thanks!

PostPosted: January 13th, 2013, 11:20 pm
by jtslave
Hello again, over the past three months I've had some success. Yay! Thanks for all your help. Midnight68652, your simple advice to relax seems to have worked. I stuck with Blank for several weeks, repeatingas often as I was able, then I tried EMG's Email Slave w Calimore's binaural. This is where I really started to feel I was trancing. I made a cool contact at Meeting Grounds who helped me give up some control - and I loved it! He suggested I listen to Lutz's Bubble, and this had a really strong effect. From Lutz I learned how great trancing really feels! I haven't heard from my contact in a while. I'm listening to gaycontrol's files now, and, well - wow. I trance really deeply each time now - whether I am in my Bubble or listening to Submit01. lol I even came without touching myself listening the first time to Submit01. Again - yay. I'm eager to continue my experiments in giving up control. Maybe I should have posted this one to Success Stories.