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Newbie tips?

PostPosted: June 29th, 2012, 6:04 pm
by jonnaius
Ok, so I'm kinda new to the whole hypnosis thing, despite being fascinated by it for years. This is the first site I've found that's actually legit, and I wish I'd found it earlier!

I was just wondering, cos I've never tranced before, are there any free files you'd reccommend to 'practice' on, so to speak?

Also, this might sound ridiculous, but what does a trance feel like? Like how do you know you've tranced?

Sorry if these are stupid questions or whether they've been answered elsewhere! Thank you guys!


PostPosted: June 29th, 2012, 8:25 pm
by frosty46
use tanyaslave's marshmallow incontinence.
I doubt youre going to run off and shove a bag of marshmallows up your but, but I think you will look at the bag for an extra second at the grocery store.

Try it dude.

^^great starter file. I'm not kidding.

PostPosted: July 16th, 2012, 2:11 am
by slutinmyhead
I recommend my own, particularly Hypnosis Works... too well.

Trance feels like being asleep physically, but aware of the hypnotist's voice, so obviously awake. Sort of. People often have difficulty recognizing it the first couple times, ironically, because we already spend so much of our lives in trance naturally. It doesn't feel different enough.

The first thing I noticed was the voice in my head shut down. I wasn't being witty or thinking about other shit I needed to get done, but was just focused on each next word. At this point, I notice much more of an effect. It really is a skill you improve with practice.