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Question regarding takeover curses

PostPosted: August 11th, 2012, 12:46 pm
by danny1988
Hey, im new to the site been trying some files with little success, but thats not why im posting.

I recently read the topic on the female takeover file, and ill be honest i found it creepy. I have posted in that topic about this but no one responded.
I would just like some clarification, because I cant stop thinking about this and I feel so sad (I hate being so emotional some times) for the people who have had their lives stolen due to this file.

Now I am new to hypnosis and am a little unsure on how the mind works. But doesnt this file make it so you no longer exist and some new consciousness takes over and steals your body and your life from you?

If this is the case why would anyone choose to do this?

Thanks in advance.

PostPosted: August 11th, 2012, 1:40 pm
by transformerdreamer
I can't say for certain about this file in particular, but there are a few free files that i have tried that are similar. I just tried the catgirl - gogo file and got results on the first listen and it attempts to do something similar. Normally I am very hard to hypnotize but this file in particular worked well.

Why I am mentioning this is because I think I am discovering something, I don't wish to have any major changes but I do use it for fantasy purposes. Most of the time it doesn't work well because I don't want it to work and there for it won't work. However I have been playing with letting it go a little more then usual just to try it out and I did get these conflicting urges which was exciting but also helped me learn a bit more how this works.

I am finding that for the most part that the majority of the files open a door and then you choose to walk through it. As for the people that have tried the file you are asking about, perhaps its what they want but maybe there is a part of them that is cautious or maybe a part of their personality is not used to dramatic change. I dunno, I think that you have to want to accept it.

But then again, I am hard to hypnotize so what do I really know? I would try the file myself but I don't have the money.

PostPosted: August 11th, 2012, 4:58 pm
by zzzzz
maybe this helps:

PostPosted: August 12th, 2012, 9:47 am
by danny1988
Thanks for the replys I will respond to each individualy

Good luck on the catgirl file I hope you get what you want.
Which catgirl file is it by the way? there are quite a few :p
I too am very hard to hypnotise I seem to have real issues I think its due to me being very analytical and I cant stop thinking. I blame being a programmer for this ^^

I may give it a go if I start to feel more comfortable with how these files affect the mind. You may be able to tell im not a fan of the idea of loosing control of ones body :p

I too would like too to use hypnosis for fantasy purposes, I dont really want any major changes as I am quite happy with who I am for the most part.

Yeh the main thing I think I dislike about the takover file is the post where the new personality or consciousness took over fully and trapped the original in their mind (well thats how I saw it anyway from what I read). Also it described the original personality trying to get and use the curse file to stop the new one taking over which added to the reason I feel so sad for the individual. If the individual welcomed the change then I would not have so much of an issue with this file but towards the end they did not...

As for needing to accept the hypnotic suggestion, I dont know if that is true from what I stated above... Surely someone would need an understanding of what the file does first before they can make an informed descision on if they accept it or not. If someone is unaware of what the file would do and they accept it without understanding then surely the suggestion would work regardless of them wanting it to or not.

Thanks for the link I read all the about big mind, some interesting info. I did like the analogy of the brain being a big company with tons of employees and they all represent different voices or aspects of the mind I found it very informative. Still im not sure if it fully relates to the female takover file as its a whole new personality not just an aspect.

But if the female takover file does open the door for a certain aspect of your personality then it does make sense.

With this file I dont fully understand what I does to the individual so maybe some feedback from a hypnotist would be useful in this regard?

I just find it hard to visualise what this file does, is the personality like a new consciousness? Is the original personality just trapped in their head unable to control their body?

If anyone has seen stargate sg1 I just see this as a goauld symbiote taking over someones body and I just find the idea very sad.

Sorry for the long reply :p

PostPosted: August 12th, 2012, 9:26 pm
by transformerdreamer
Yea, its hard for me to grasp how this affects people, because I am so hard to hypnotize, perhaps its like drinking .. drinking doesn't affect me very much either, however some people forget what they did and some peoples antisocial behavior becomes unleashed while impaired.

While we are on that topic, I think that I too have a busy mind and I notice that when I drink a little it helps, however this is not recommended by most because you need to be able to focus on the files to an extent. I focus to much and need something to help me along. One time I got drunk and won 200 dollars at a poker game, I had to because I knew that the guy across the table could read my poker face. But I knew that while drunk I could still focus on the poker game. If you a computer head like me I suggest you try something first, then try added a little alcohol while going under to see if there's a stronger response.

I am currently using files like catgirls - gogo girl and Genderwipe 3 and Jessica 1 and many of sabrinaselentras files but nothing major, just good fantasy files for me I guess. These are intended however to be very intense permanent files. But they don't affect me much.

You may be interested in the tentacle files on this site. For some reason they work much better for me. I can't see them and if I move after I trigger them they stop. But I can trigger them and I know this may sound odd but they feel good. Many of these files are pretty good but the esuccubus file works best.

I just wish I could make this stuff work better. I have used many of the different files on this site, mainly because they don't work (for me) and I am in search of something, anything that will. But here's something else to consider. Very few people from my understanding can get the tentacle files to work, while I can, on the flip side of things they may be able to visualize themselves as a women or a fox or cat, whatever, while I can't so any do any of that...... sometimes I feel a tail.

I dunno hope this helps a little, I will continue to follow this post if you have any more questions.

PostPosted: August 12th, 2012, 9:47 pm
by transformerdreamer
Something else you may find interesting. Most of the files on this sire are by EMG and most people have success with these files. They don't affect me at all and I don't know why.

PostPosted: August 13th, 2012, 11:39 am
by danny1988
Yeh, likewise. You do seem to be having better luck than me at present :) but I seriously find it hard to trance as when my mind goes blank for even a second, something new pops in wether it be a new idea for a problem im stuck on at work or just something random from a tv show I recently watched.

I really love TV that makes you think i.e. fringe or house, that may be part of the problem as I tend to watch some tv before I try some hypnosis. I just find it very hard to not do stuff that doesnt make me think haha but I will keep trying :p

Yeh I too have had little success with EMG's files or any for that matter the only one that may have worked was sarnogas trance file the road home but I think I just fell asleep.

I did try the tentacle file a few times but no go sadly, I think I may give the furry transformation file a go the one by EMG or maybe just some basic trance files a go. I have tried Blinks induction that too did not work. Actually just read that the furry transformation is one of the hardest files to get to work so I may try a different one instead.

Back on topic I still would like some form of explination from someone with experience with the takeover files as I would like to know how these affect someone.
To be honest if these files do what I think they do I wish I never found out about them, they just make me so depressed. I know I probably cant help the individual who has listened to these files but it doesnt stop me constantly thinking of ways of how I could help them get their body back...

Off to watch some more fringe :)

PostPosted: August 13th, 2012, 9:59 pm
by transformerdreamer
Yea I can't contribute anymore to this topic ... I must admit it does cross my mind a few times about what has happened to these people but on the other hand i wonder if its just some kinda roleplay maybe its not a serious as it appears.. again hard for me to grasp.

Now I got one more thing for you to try, I have been trying to sharpen my concentration. I think because I don't watch TV and instead use the the internet primarily for entertainment, then my attention span got bad and I have always had a bad memory. However since I started reading the newspaper or even online content like the New Yorker, (the entire columns, across world news, national and local new, politics and social/cultural columns) I have regained concentration and have now a above average relay-ability for memory. I have been trying to better my spelling, punctuation and grammar as well without using spell check and grammar where possible and try to proofread. All of which has improved my concentration.

Maybe this will help you focus, biggest thing is experiment with things like this, I used to think memory was something that is not possible to better however that was a unexpected and well welcomed side effect or me experimenting with reading complex subjects like following politics and trying to commit names of the players to memory and their specific actions. Use many sources for new papers and the like, some stuff is garbage, pretty much anything of Rupert Murdocs news empire is garbage.

PostPosted: August 14th, 2012, 11:29 am
by danny1988
Yeh I hope it is some form of roleplay or the person was totaly accepting and knew what they were getting into when they listened to the file, im just trying not to think about it too much or I get emotional again :(

You cant really tell I get emotional if you met me but on the inside this topic was starting to drive me a bit loopy hence my strong feelings you may have seen in my posts. But I do hope it was some form of roleplay as you say.

I may have tranced slightly last night to blinks basic induction will try again later, trying the trig werewolf file at the moment.
I was using blinks induction as a introduction to the trig satyr one always loved them, but sadly the voice is a computer and it kind of jolted me out of the trance I think as I woke up listening to the computer voice. Just wish there was another satyr one with a human voice ^^

Yeh I do read quite a bit of news but it makes me quite angry reading it :p its usually corrupt bankers, politicians, murder or war I tend to try and stick to the technology and science news haha

Thanks for your replys :)