Question about new file

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Question about new file

Postby Hyp-know-fetish » January 10th, 2006, 7:39 am

Hey, EMG, this was something I've been wondering. I have an idea for a new file that I could type out a script for, but I don't have a microphone. I can't record my voice and I don't like the way it sounds, either (having heard it on an answering machine). I was wondering if it's alright to make a script, send it in, and allow someone else to do the recording. We could get half-and-half credit for that sort of thing. I thought I'd ask before I did extensive typing.

EDIT: I have written a first draft of the script. It may need a little tweaking, but not much, since I use this on myself and know how it goes. :D I just need the green light to submit a script with no voice and I'll mail it to EMG.

EDIT II: I read on the front page that you give out three-month passes to people who submit scripts. If I submit this without a recorded file, do I still get the premium access for three months? Personally, I'd love to pay to support WMM, but I really can't afford to do that. Money is tight for me. :(
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Postby hailtheprinceofdarkness » February 14th, 2006, 3:22 pm

fear not! there is a way to create audio files without a microphone!

Microsoft has several text recognition programs that allow you to type scripts and the computer will say them for you!

I am not speaking from experience however. This was what one of my freinds told me. I know that the virtual hypnotist has text recognition software.
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Postby Cairn » February 15th, 2006, 11:20 pm

Yeah, microsoft does have a text to speach prgram, but it sounds really fake and rather annoying.
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Postby wdbames » February 16th, 2006, 7:35 pm

Not to plug software or anything, But I have TextAloud MP3
and AT&T Natural Voices. They are 16-Bit voices that sound
a lot clearer and less annoying. Still a lot of pronunciation
errors though. By the way Microsoft voices are only 8-bit,
so theoretically a 16-bit voice should sound twice as good.
The reality is not quite that simple. I have tried both AT&T
and NeoSpeech 16-bit voices, and AT&T are much better.

Now, having said all that I should say that for a fraction of the
cost of the software, You could buy a cheap microphone for
Your computer and record Your own voice. With this approach
You get the best quality voice available (Presumably Your own)
for cheap.
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