chat room attitudes and a fair shake

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chat room attitudes and a fair shake

Postby Stud13 » November 29th, 2009, 7:32 pm

I was kicked tonight from the room after my third visit here with out even being asked about my version of events in question (there are always two sides to it) which apparently led to getting banned for a week by Janitor/Felancia not to mention, i was bullied and harrassed by several in the room the first time I arrived. Everyone is standoffish and with MAJOR attitudes of better than everyone and unfriendly. In fairness, there are some that are nice.

Is it too much to be honest about wanting to experience hypnosis on a site about HYPNOSIS with HYPNOTISTS??? wow, that is crazy (sarcasm)

How about a cushion for ettiquette and rules for newcomers instead of group bullying and harrassment and banishment? Grow up and learn some professionalism.

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Joined: November 27th, 2009, 1:00 am

Postby Jeshi » November 29th, 2009, 11:19 pm

What did you say that got them so angry?
You had to have said SOMETHING.

If you just entered the room but stayed silent and then they just went "HEY! FRICK YOU!" That doesn't even make sense! You have to talk for them to know you're even in the room!
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Postby Score_Under » December 5th, 2009, 6:07 pm

Funny, the few rare occasions I've dropped in, it's been a rather friendly place.

Maybe you're doing it wrong? If you pasted logs here, we might be able to see either the offending user or where you went horribly wrong in your perceived attitude.
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Joined: April 21st, 2009, 12:00 am

Postby Krysta » December 5th, 2009, 7:56 pm

The offending user he's complaining about is me. He came in late on his first night in, immediately expecting to be tranced. I was one of only two of our tists in the room at the moment, and as I'd been speaking with the other a fair while, both that night, and in general, I felt it fair to respond on behalf of both of us. For both the safety and enjoyment of all involved, the 'tists in the chat very rarely work with anyone we've not spent at least a few different sessions interacting with. This is generally agreed to be a somewhat fair policy, as there's a lot more willing subjects than hypnotists, and we do like to chat as much as we like to tize.

Coming in hoping for a trance is just fine. Coming in expecting one is presumptuous, and no amount of telling us (me specifically) to "lighten up" and "take risks" changes that. You also spent some time yelling at me for "taking your request to the room personally" which I admit I did, seeing as I was one of the only qualified persons in the room at the time.

The ban you received was after reading logs of the events in question, (the op who did so was not involved in your arguments on either side) and was partially based on you pm'ing without permission, a rule which is rather clearly posted, and you were asked to read when you first came in.

I do have logs of all these events in question, and invite anyone wanting them to contact me. Contrary to what's being said, we do try to keep things as fair and even-tempered as we can. To Stud13: Your week is nearly up at this point, please do come back and try again.

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Joined: March 22nd, 2009, 12:00 am

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