should Casper be left in charge of the warpmymind chat?

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should Casper be left in charge of the warpmymind chat?

Postby Wildsprite » June 12th, 2010, 9:56 am

okay this is an open thread, I am asking people to come forth with reasons why Casper should be allowed to remain in charge of the warpmymind chat or not?
time and time again he has proven himself to be paranoid and irrational and he refuses to see it.

the majority of the regulars on the chat want a majority rules ideal, not a single boss or person in charge.

last week action was taken against a regular that was seen as unacceptable by most and we don't want it to happen again.

but Casper refuses to listen to what were telling him about what we need, he called most of our suggestions unfeasible and idiotic

please speak up, if he is left in charge mind you most of us will leave, because the chat is not worth it as long as someone who is paranoid, power hungry and wont listen is in charge

(please keep in mind, he claims he does listen but he does not)
Last edited by Wildsprite on June 12th, 2010, 10:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby equinox13 » June 12th, 2010, 10:02 am

i took the time to hash out every fine little detail of what could constitute 'spam links' and either because all of his links would be considered in that spam, or whatever reason, the paragraph i wrote out for that rule wasn't good enough for him.

if anyone needs any logs of any abuses of power, multitudes of rules broken by casper, invasions of privacy, driving people away, and generally being a power tripping nuisance with no regard to the questions of new people or the flow of hypnosis related chat in the main room, let me know. i have plenty. just be sure you have a good chunk of free space available for them.
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Postby Bankai » June 12th, 2010, 11:19 am

Casper has proved himself, time and again, to be unwilling, or prehaps even unable, to listen to people and try and better the site. He continues to insist on running things his way and ignoring anyone who comes to him with a complaint.

If he is unwilling to listen, then he thoroughly deserves to have been removed from power, and if he is unable, then it is a mercy.

In addition, he has used his power to frighten, not facilitate, control, not guide, and to boost his own ego rather then protect people in an admittedly dangerous world. Sure, you could argue that by restricting discussion of hypnosis-by keeping all hypnosis on the server preformed by experienced tists-you protect people. But you have only traded your freedom for security. Any newcomer to the server would be bewildered and soon leave, seeing no discussion of hypnosis and getting slammed when bringing it up.

In short, Casper believes he is in the right. Even if he were, by ignoring other peoples concerns, he is wrong.
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Postby Exrandu » June 12th, 2010, 11:36 am

I don't sign onto the chat very often, and that's because when I sign onto a chat dealing with erotic hypnosis I want to engage in and talk about erotic fricking hypnosis. I've signed in enough to know Casper certainly doesn't know what he's doing, and is both passive-aggressive and aggressive-aggressive about everything.
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Postby EMG » June 12th, 2010, 12:43 pm

Please send me some of the logs.
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Postby equinox13 » June 12th, 2010, 1:39 pm

email sent. sorry for the file size.
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Re: should Casper be left in charge of the warpmymind chat?

Postby thephantom » June 13th, 2010, 1:23 pm

Wildsprite wrote:
the majority of the regulars on the chat want a majority rules ideal, not a single boss or person in charge.

Actually that is wrong, it's the majority of the mostly inactive ops
Wildsprite wrote:
last week action was taken against a regular that was seen as unacceptable by most and we don't want it to happen again.

And I did said that it was a mistake, that I badly handled it.
Also take note that Melody was supposed to talk to her, but finally she didn't had the contact info. Also, Take note that nobody came up with how I should have handled it instead. It's easy to complain after it, but if nobody know of a better way to handle it...

Wildsprite wrote:
but Casper refuses to listen to what were telling him about what we need, he called most of our suggestions unfeasible and idiotic

Yes, they are!
Exemple of suggestions:
* Free for all channel
* do absolutelly nothing until everyone can meet and vote, no matter what is the problem. (which later was changed to ban and have a vote, thing that if it's debatable, I have personal interrest conflict, or any reason to doubt that it could not be right or whatever, I do ask who I can reach)
* Have more oper and channel ops. This is a non working solution currently, because of the simple fact that there is no one that is competant enought to even be considered. those who are do not want to.

Wildsprite wrote:
please speak up, if he is left in charge mind you most of us will leave, because the chat is not worth it as long as someone who is paranoid, power hungry and wont listen is in charge

I do listen, I am not power hungry. However. for the paranoid accusation, I admit it's partially true, specially when some hide crucial info from me, and lie blattantly (huh kita?)

Wildsprite wrote:
(please keep in mind, he claims he does listen but he does not)

Please keep in mind that you claim to listen, but it's literally impossible to contact you. You never ever listen to what I say before going crasy and disconnect or going in mental ignore. It's impossible to get any info from you, impossible to deal with anything.
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Postby thephantom » June 13th, 2010, 1:27 pm

equinox13 wrote:i took the time to hash out every fine little detail of what could constitute 'spam links' and either because all of his links would be considered in that spam, or whatever reason, the paragraph i wrote out for that rule wasn't good enough for him.

Krysta wanted a rock solid rule, where everything is defined, do not have to think about the situation or whatever. Your no-spam suggestion was still subject to interpetation, and also depend on the situation and all. So it was not completly good.

Beside, As I told you then, I was not in a good state of mind to deal with that and I asked you to wait "tomorrow", which you refused several time.
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Postby thephantom » June 13th, 2010, 1:31 pm

Bankai wrote:Casper has proved himself, time and again, to be unwilling, or prehaps even unable, to listen to people and try and better the site. He continues to insist on running things his way and ignoring anyone who comes to him with a complaint.

This is Astarielle, the one that decided to flood the chat server in responce to her own action that got her for a second time banned, until melody could talk to her.

I decided against calling the police and have her locked up because I do not want to ruin her life.

Hint astarielle: when someone give you several warning, you should really consider them. Not ignore them.

Note to self: next time, don't wait to ban those who help abuser to get more victims.
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Postby EMG » June 13th, 2010, 3:30 pm

Ok, please consider this thread dead. I have the logs and will review them and make a decision before I go to bed tonight.

My choices will be:

1) return control to Casper, he has run the site for years.
2) complete the change of control to the moderators that took over
3) replace the existing chat system with something else entirely and have a call for ops.

I am open to opinions, but to avoid a flame war, please keep your responses to PM or email( Thanks
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