Premium Membership Files?

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Premium Membership Files?

Postby Glyde » July 20th, 2005, 11:09 am

Well, this is new. All the files are now premium membership files - hoe long will they stay that way before becoming available to all non members? It says 4 months on main page, but is that 4 months from when the files was posted? (which would mean some files will become universally available sooner than others) or 4 months from today?...or never?
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Postby vienna68 » July 20th, 2005, 11:24 am

Only TrainTelepathy is a premium membership file. The rest is still the same as before.
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Postby fox82 » July 20th, 2005, 12:02 pm

What are the "File Bodys", which are all Premium?
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Postby vienna68 » July 20th, 2005, 12:11 pm

I guess that the "File Body" is that part between the induction and the end. So you can make your own sublims....
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Postby Glyde » July 20th, 2005, 1:04 pm

O, ok, they're all labeled premium.
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Postby maskedwomyn » July 20th, 2005, 10:57 pm

Glyde wrote:O, ok, they're all labeled premium.

In his announcements EMG said that all new files would be available to premium members first. Since he never distributed the file bodies before all the bodies are new files. Once the premium period is over they should be as free as all the others.

the masked womyn
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CORRECTION: The "body of files" are for Premium M

Postby sandy82 » July 21st, 2005, 8:03 pm

In order not to compound the confusion, I submitted the following Post to EMG before posting it. He agrees with my interpretation of his Announcement. The "body of files" are intended to be one of the exclusive benefits for Premium Members and will be available to Premium Members only.
Following is the text of approved Post.

Here's what EMG said in his Announcement on Premium Memberships:

EMG wrote:
WMM now has a Premium level of Membership. Users signing on as Premium Members are guaranteed 4 new files every month and will get the newest files first(4 months before non-members). They will also be granted access to the bodies of files so they can build playlists easily, and will also recieve Premium voting rights(every vote you make counts for 5 regular member votes). By becoming a Premium Member you help support the site and guarantee it's continued growth. Membership is $6.95 a month with discounts for users who buy 3, 6, or 12 month memberships.

Unless I am misreading EMG's language, he says (with regard to new files) that Premium Members "are guaranteed 4 new files every month and will get the newest files first (4 months before non-members)." I take it that if Premium Members can access a new file in August, then non-Premium members can access that file in December.

The foregoing information on files is contained in the second sentence, above.

Sentence three refers to the bodies of files, new or old. EMG says that Premium Members "will also be granted access to the bodies of files so they can build playlists easily...."

The reference to 4-month delayed access is in the sentence that deals with four new files per month.

The sentence on bodies of files contains no mention of time-delayed access by non-Premium Members.

An additional reason for becoming a Premium Member!

I think I am reading plain English plainly.

I see a difference between EMG's language and the interpretation offered by maskedwomyn. EMG's language makes it more advantageous to become a Premium Member.

maskedwomyn wrote:
In his announcements EMG said that all new files would be available to premium members first. Since he never distributed the file bodies before all the bodies are new files. Once the premium period is over they should be as free as all the others.
the masked womyn
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Postby loony28 » July 21st, 2005, 10:42 pm

:twisted: So in other words all those that do not have a premium membership can still download the old files but premium members are able to download only the suggestion part of a file along with the seperate induction and wakening. This allows people to choose which induction they want to use and play the files in the oder they want. For example you could have FocusInduction, TrigFemaleForm, TrigSlowWoman, FemaleDreams, and wakener. For the FocusInduction you would just have the part that takes you into trance. For TrigFemaleForm, TrigSlowWoman, and FemaleDreams you would just have the suggestion, no induction and no wakener to bring you out of trance inadvertently. For the wakener it's just the part that brings you out of hypnosis. As you can see it makes it easier to listen to the induction you want with the suggestion you want which a lot of people have been clamoring for here. If your not a premium member then you download the files like you have before meaning that you don't get to pick which induction you listen to with which suggestion you want unless you yourself edit the files. Hopefully this helps to clear it up. :twisted:
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Postby Glyde » July 22nd, 2005, 8:54 am

I see, I more or less (more rather than less) had figured thats what file bodies were for. What's funny is I already did that, I just edited together the ones I wanted.
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Postby liljonny » July 23rd, 2005, 6:24 am

Will the premium files be listed with premium beside it like TrainTelepathy was so we can sign up for premium membership if we see a file we want sooner?
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Postby EMG » July 23rd, 2005, 12:03 pm

Yes, every new file will be listed as premium so as they become available you'll see them with the premium flag next to them.

liljonny wrote:Will the premium files be listed with premium beside it like TrainTelepathy was so we can sign up for premium membership if we see a file we want sooner?
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Postby EMG » August 10th, 2005, 7:43 pm

It's not a bad suggestion, but I don't track who makes the suggestions and many existed before the new version of the site. Still I will consider it when I do some rework on the voting page.

Stewie wrote:Just a little almost ointless suggestion, but after a file is made maybe the person who suggested the file on the vote page should get the file as soon as it's made whether they're a premium member or not. Any comments?
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