WMM-2 Wishlist

Here's a place to suggest/discuss improvements to the site.

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WMM-2 Wishlist

Postby jands » August 17th, 2013, 5:05 am

This is a general wishlist thread for what everyone wants to see in WMM-2.

I'm currently about 2/3 done with the development of the new site (basically rewritten from scratch) and now would be a good time to start suggesting things you want to see.

All suggestions are obviously subject to EMG's approval.
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Postby danny1988 » August 17th, 2013, 6:06 am

1 . Maybe something that allows you to rate forum posts by members or even rate members.
Like if someone posts something good or worthwhile people can give the member or post a thumbs up.

2. Dynamic file search that filters as you type?

3. A more streamlined search that shows brief info, like name, type of file, category, date added, rating. Then you can click on it to expand to more information.
I just think the current search is a bit too much info all at once ^^

4. Some like tiles or something that show you the most downloaded file for the month, most downloaded file ever, highest rated file etc.

Some ideas off the top of my head :) I know some are a little tricky to do, im a developer myself ^^
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Postby jands » August 17th, 2013, 6:27 am

danny1988 wrote:1 . Maybe something that allows you to rate forum posts by members or even rate members.
Like if someone posts something good or worthwhile people can give the member or post a thumbs up.
This could be done in WMM-2. There is certainly a possibility to calculate a "user rating" based on the ratings of files (s)he has posted. Rating authors directly would certainly be possible although I think EMG would agree that ratings would need to be anonymous if they were present. There's a serious possibility here for high emotions and ego related problems so, while possible, it would have to be very carefully thought out.

danny1988 wrote:2. Dynamic file search that filters as you type?
The site already does this for most of the search options. I assume you mean to have this for the freeform text search box? I'd be concerned about speed issues involved with rapid search-and-research using LIKE clauses, which are slow. Implementing it would take on the order of seconds, as the functionality is already there and just off. Would it bog searches down even more though? I'd need to discuss this with EMG but it would really depend on how much demand exists for this feature.

danny1988 wrote:3. A more streamlined search that shows brief info, like name, type of file, category, date added, rating. Then you can click on it to expand to more information.
I just think the current search is a bit too much info all at once ^^
This is actually one of the first things that was redone when coding WMM-2. The info blocks have been made much more compact and streamlined without sacrificing informativeness. The mobile version of WMM-2 is actually even more compact.

danny1988 wrote:4. Some like tiles or something that show you the most downloaded file for the month, most downloaded file ever, highest rated file etc.
How would this be distinct from the current Top10 page?
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Postby danny1988 » August 17th, 2013, 7:07 am

jands wrote:
danny1988 wrote:1 . Maybe something that allows you to rate forum posts by members or even rate members.
Like if someone posts something good or worthwhile people can give the member or post a thumbs up.
This could be done in WMM-2. There is certainly a possibility to calculate a "user rating" based on the ratings of files (s)he has posted. Rating authors directly would certainly be possible although I think EMG would agree that ratings would need to be anonymous if they were present. There's a serious possibility here for high emotions and ego related problems so, while possible, it would have to be very carefully thought out.

danny1988 wrote:2. Dynamic file search that filters as you type?
The site already does this for most of the search options. I assume you mean to have this for the freeform text search box? I'd be concerned about speed issues involved with rapid search-and-research using LIKE clauses, which are slow. Implementing it would take on the order of seconds, as the functionality is already there and just off. Would it bog searches down even more though? I'd need to discuss this with EMG but it would really depend on how much demand exists for this feature.

danny1988 wrote:3. A more streamlined search that shows brief info, like name, type of file, category, date added, rating. Then you can click on it to expand to more information.
I just think the current search is a bit too much info all at once ^^
This is actually one of the first things that was redone when coding WMM-2. The info blocks have been made much more compact and streamlined without sacrificing informativeness. The mobile version of WMM-2 is actually even more compact.

danny1988 wrote:4. Some like tiles or something that show you the most downloaded file for the month, most downloaded file ever, highest rated file etc.
How would this be distinct from the current Top10 page?

Cool, well for point 4 I would say its a home page tile or tile at the side depending on the layout of the site though. Just people can view them easier whithout going into the top 10 page and see them when they log on.

For point 2 yeh I know what you mean but depending on the data you return it souldnt be too intensive tbh. If your only returning the ID and a few other fields. We run a freeform text search on our web application for our business and its very fast and has little issue with over 60k records. But we are running MSSQL server and a powerful server so it would depend on the server where the site is hosted.

Also if your using MSSQL you could use PATINDEX its a far faster string comparrison than LIKE
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Postby demigraff » August 17th, 2013, 12:22 pm

One thing I'd suggest is a user"exclusion" setting. Allow users to choose a list of categories they're really not interested in.

For example, if I chose (in my profile settings somewhere) to exclude Jock files, I wouldn't see the forum for them; posts in that forum wouldn't appear when I view "new posts since last visit"; files in that category wouldn't show up when I look at the "top 10", "new files" or in search results.

Oh ... and another request. Can we have the files search thing work properly for mobile users? Certainly on my phone, I can't scroll through the audience/effect/language/author selections; so for example I can limit my search to files that are Temporay or Triggers, but I can't specifically search for curses or training files.
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Postby ProfessorPig » August 17th, 2013, 12:37 pm

a simple error message to tell people why they cannot download a file or script would be nice. this is a really minor thing well known by current users but the number of forum posts on the subject make me think that it would be helpful for new or future users.

the journals could use some updating. i am not sure what would make them more functional for users. perhaps premade tags so users could filter based on content or the ability to watch users and get notification updates on their journals when new ones are posted.

the stories section would definitely benefit from content tags and a search feature.

if you choose to implement it, it might be easiest to make the tags system consistent throughout the site so that you can search for everything from one central location.

anyway, keep up the good work, i am excited to see what you come up with.
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Postby outkast1728 » August 17th, 2013, 12:49 pm

I wouldn't mind a more dynamic site too, a way to search for particular posts by author, maybe different sections for user submitted stories, in the way the image gallery is separated into different sections.
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Postby mc » August 17th, 2013, 2:35 pm

One thing I'd like to see, is the ability to tag files in forum posts/blog entries, and then the associated posts/blogs linked to from the relevant file page.

Also it would be good to tag/categorise blog entries in general, so you can see what the entry is about without having to read it.
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Postby Nate80 » August 17th, 2013, 2:52 pm

mentioned it before, but how about "is active email slave" tick box in the profile - and the ability to search by it.

would allow people to find current slaves and not end up with an out of service email.
Not looking at the full match making service, but that wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing.

Also, while this isn't primarily an info based site (like a wiki), being able to rate comments (or users) on useful, fun, effective, skilled, dangerous, do not trust (and others) may not be a bad thing.

Yes I know the ego issue, but maybe EMG and moderators could do secret shoppers on people getting questionable reputations, before negative ratings become public.
After all, this is suppose to be a fun / adult site, and as evil as EMG may be in his files, there's an element of the principles of BDSM on the site and some people shouldn't be tists, or subjects, for that matter. grr, this is turning into a rant sorry.
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Postby jands » August 18th, 2013, 2:00 am

demigraff wrote:Oh ... and another request. Can we have the files search thing work properly for mobile users? Certainly on my phone, I can't scroll through the audience/effect/language/author selections; so for example I can limit my search to files that are Temporay or Triggers, but I can't specifically search for curses or training files.
WMM-2 is starting off with a separate mobile version of the search (already coded), and will eventually have an entire mobile version of the whole site.
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Postby Ms_Lutana » August 24th, 2013, 1:44 pm

If there is still going to be voting, could there be a way to sort/filter. Currently it's a complete mis-mash and I'd find a way to view say by date order useful.
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Postby EMG » August 24th, 2013, 7:44 pm

Ok, looking over the ideas, I like the idea of being able to rate a hypnotist, I'm planning to do something like that over on hypno-fetish as a way to help filter the good from the bad although I may not display it in the file list it may end up as part of your personal profile.

I do hope to expand user profiles so that you can follow authors you like in a useful way.

As to linking to files in forum posts, I like the idea but it may be an story for expansion once the new site is up. I also want to do a better gallery, journal, and story system but those will be rolled out over time as we get the core functionality going. This is not a small undertaking but is needed as the code for WMM is so out of date I can't even patch my server for fear of breaking it.
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Postby shadowguy » October 7th, 2013, 3:42 pm

A way to identify as master or sub or both, and owned or looking. That would be a nice touch, it'd definitely make things easier in that regard
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Postby Endo » October 10th, 2013, 9:18 am

I'd like at least a stickied thread that contains reviews of masters and slaves. A slave can rate their master based on their level of trust/potential abusiveness, respect of limits, time spent with master, and other general information a new slave would like to know about their master, before they accept one.

A master could also rate a slave based on time spent, how obedient a slave was to orders/suggestions they did not have restrictions on, and other general things a master would like to know about a slave.

I think both parties should state what topics were covered, and any limitations they perceived in the other member of the relationship.
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Postby Endo » October 22nd, 2013, 11:48 am

Another thing: Journals are a bit painful, could we get them set up just like the forum comment boxes? It just seems like really long journals are all squished together, and get hard to read without easy spacing methods.
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Postby sudo » October 25th, 2013, 1:00 am

I miss something to allow me to try "body only" files from a mobile without having to downlad them and create a playlist with an inductipn.
I would add some way to set your favourite induction file(s) and then when you play any file you have a quick link to get that induction played in front of that file straight from the site.
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Postby desrever » February 19th, 2014, 2:11 am

an demo installment of the site would be nice to try it actually
with such project, the amount of errors one finds when letting a few users that aren't developers run wild tends to be tremendous
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Postby Alien4420 » March 8th, 2014, 7:49 pm

This may be more a bug fix than a feature change, or perhaps I just have something set up wrong, but despite having the boxes checked, I never get email notifications when I receive a message or someone comments on a thread I'm in.

Otherwise, I think the feature I'd most want to see is an improved file search -- unless things have changed, it seems to get hung up on the likes of spacing, e.g. a search for "Curse Hate Puppies" won't take you to "CurseHatePuppies."
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Postby Jeshi » May 27th, 2014, 4:59 pm

Just as a search thing, being able to filter for voice gender would be nice. Also possibly being able to have a NOT clause? Like with google, "feminization -humilation" and then you could find femininzation files that don't include humiliation aspect?
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Postby Mandrache » July 19th, 2014, 4:26 am

1 Hyperlinked forum names
2 Ability to find your own names easier; I have favorited my own for this purpose
3 Ability to who have favorited which of your files
4 Better descriptions for binaurals
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Postby MasterJack » November 15th, 2014, 1:14 pm

1. Sort files by comments. Low to high, high to low.

2. Sort forum posts by replies. Low to high. High to low.

3. A better forum editor. Preferably WYSIWYG. So I don't have to keep adding tags, I can just highlight my text and make it a URL, bold, whatever. Or at least allow tags to go around the text, rather than the end of the post.

4. Force users to add a few basic info for their user profiles. Like their age and gender. So we don't have to ask for this info when they're describing success with certain files. Or they are forced to say every time, I'm a 34 male btw.
No longer distributing my files.
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Postby Brand_X » November 29th, 2014, 11:16 am

Two things I'd like to see:

1. A filter option in the file-search for gender - Male/Female/Ambiguous.
2. A general "About Me" box on my HomePage.

Also, it might be a good idea to add some instructions on the file upload page to tell people how to reduce file sizes. WAV files are much bigger than MP3 and in most cases the drop in sound quality isn't noticeable.
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Postby Brand_X » December 6th, 2014, 11:53 am

Another improvement I'd like to see: Encourage people to vote and rate files. At the moment, for someone to add a comment they have to click the hyperlink that says "permanent link", and while you can click to rate from the main index page, it's not obvious that anything has happened - the numbers don't highlight or anything when you mouse over them.
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Postby EMG » December 7th, 2014, 12:46 am

Thanks for your recent feedback, those may or may not make V2 but they're good suggestions.
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Postby zapnosis » August 27th, 2015, 4:50 pm

I realise that it's a bit late to request this, but... is there a way to give file authors a breakdown of number ratings on their files? For example if the average rating is 3 and you have 10 votes, that could be five 1 ratings and five 5 ratings or it could be ten 3 ratings, etc. It would be nice to know the difference between writing a love-it-or-hate-it classic and writing a file that's meh!

Either way, thank you EMG for this site... I love it, warts and all!

"Feelings, sensations that you thought was dead,
no squealing... remember that it's all in your head"
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Postby diode168 » August 27th, 2015, 9:13 pm

That would actually be quite useful.
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Postby EMG » August 27th, 2015, 10:57 pm

I'll consider this, not a high priority at the moment but definitely a possibility.
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Postby 5HA99Y » August 28th, 2015, 3:55 pm

I have a idea for the member list area could we get a option to sort the list by who is online at the moment I can see whose on wmm on the forum area but it would be nice to see somewhere whose online. I'm always wanting to see whose online like favorite artist that make file etc so I could message them and ask them questions about the files if I have a questions or want a better explanation of it if I don't understand it to well
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