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Edit links?

PostPosted: December 16th, 2012, 8:47 pm
by HypnoSuperior
I was just wondering if someone posts a link, is there a way to edit it? I have added to a site I posted a link to a while ago, and the description I have is no longer very fitting but I don\'t see a way to edit (or delete / repost).

Re: Edit links?

PostPosted: December 16th, 2012, 11:53 pm
by EMG
I\'ll look into it, but for simplicity, just let me know which one and how you want to change it.\r\n\r\n[quote=\"HypnoSuperior\"]I was just wondering if someone posts a link, is there a way to edit it? I have added to a site I posted a link to a while ago, and the description I have is no longer very fitting but I don\'t see a way to edit (or delete / repost).[/quote]