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Just a thought for a new file

PostPosted: May 1st, 2006, 8:19 am
by Smokescale
I dunno if this is the right board for it but here goes anyway...

I and a few people I know suffer from a number of ailments ranging from ADD to Durret's syndrome and even Epilepsy (sp?). I was wondering if the possibility of a file (or files) to help deminish the symptoms of these would be in the cards. I personally can say that the ADD (though somewhat mild in my case) has kept me from being able to fully focus on the inductions from time to time. I'll end up visualizing what it will be like once I have successfully undergone the hypnosis for that file, or end up thinking about some random playing a video game or watching a movie or something. It will only last a couple of moments before I shake it off mentally and return to listening intently.

Just thought I'd add my little idea.

PostPosted: May 1st, 2006, 12:52 pm
by Jacara
I would think a file to compensate for ADD would be easy enough, but as for getting into trance in the first place, I think it'd help if the induction had lots of "Focus only on my voice, nothing else matters right now" (etc.) in it.

But mainly, it just takes a lot of old-fashioned practice and determination to learn to focus on the task at hand. Anytime you notice your thoughts drift (from anything, not just an induction), bring them back to what you're supposed to focus on. If you do it often enough, it'll get better.

PostPosted: May 1st, 2006, 4:34 pm
by Smokescale
Well, while that's all fine and good it's not QUITE what I meant. I mean a file that will hypnotise the listener and attempt to aliviate their symptoms so they will be far less affected by them.

PostPosted: May 1st, 2006, 5:39 pm
by CuriousG
Smokescale wrote:Well, while that's all fine and good it's not QUITE what I meant. I mean a file that will hypnotise the listener and attempt to aliviate their symptoms so they will be far less affected by them.

I believe it's called Ritalin.

PostPosted: May 1st, 2006, 5:41 pm
by Smokescale
I've seen what Ritalin does...I don't like it.

PostPosted: May 1st, 2006, 8:25 pm
by Jacara
I sorta quickly touched on your point when I started by saying that I think a file like that would be easy enough to make. But since you said that the ADD sometimes interferes with your inductions, I figured I'd address that first since it seems to be the place to start with an ADD person.

I'm glad you're looking for an alternative solution to needing pills. ADD being a brain condition, hypnosis seems an ideal way to deal with it.

Unfortunately, I'm only starting out at this stuff... I hypnotize my girlfriend but that's it :P I don't have other experience except what I've read. Someone else would have to make up a script/mp3 for it.

PostPosted: May 1st, 2006, 8:51 pm
by Smokescale
*nods* I'm not a big fan of pushing pills for every single little malady someone has. Allergies, okay, migranes, sure...but ADD? Hell no. Not when teachers are stealing it from their students, as well as the fact that it's also refered to as "The Poor Man's Cocaine." Such a title does not auger well for those recieving a perscription.

MY case of ADD is refered to as "mild" so Ritalin was an option but not pushed by the doctor and my mom has the same thoughts on "a pill for every problem" as I do. I asked about it because a very good friend of mine has a noticibly more severe case than I do (as well as the affore mentioned Durret's Syndrome) so I figured something like this would be great for him...if he can keep his mind clear enough long enough to let it affect him.

At any rate, thanks for the input, I'll see if I can't do a little reading up on the other issues I was thinking might be dealt with via hypnosis, see if I can't come up with a script or something.

PostPosted: May 3rd, 2006, 1:22 pm
by Kendai
subliminals mught be a better option in such cases, too bad they're all premium.

that's all some people can get to work! i wonder if EMG is losing potential sales by charging for access to subliminals.

PostPosted: May 3rd, 2006, 6:43 pm
by goldragon_70
There "natural" herbs that you can take, that are for non-sever cases, that have far less side effects.