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PostPosted: September 5th, 2006, 1:03 pm
by sarnoga
This is not really a suggestion for site improvement. It is a question and I couldn't find exactly the right place to post it, since it isn't a question about a file, so I put it here.

Actually I think its three questions.

When I go to the "Your Account" page there are three things there I don't understand. There is a place where it says
"Points you have by participating on the site's content:"

What is this?

Also at the bottom there are two things...

"Last 10 comments by..." and
"Last 10 news submissions sent by..."

What are those?

If anyone is willing to explain this to me I would appreciate it.



Re: Question

PostPosted: September 5th, 2006, 1:31 pm
by EMG
Points have not been(and will not be) implemented. This is also true of Comments and new submissions. They are nuke functions that I didn't like and disabled but still show up in a few places because of how they were integrated with the web site.

sarnoga wrote:This is not really a suggestion for site improvement. It is a question and I couldn't find exactly the right place to post it, since it isn't a question about a file, so I put it here.

Actually I think its three questions.

When I go to the "Your Account" page there are three things there I don't understand. There is a place where it says
"Points you have by participating on the site's content:"

What is this?

Also at the bottom there are two things...

"Last 10 comments by..." and
"Last 10 news submissions sent by..."

What are those?

If anyone is willing to explain this to me I would appreciate it.



PostPosted: September 5th, 2006, 10:26 pm
by sarnoga
Thanks for the quick reply. My curiosity has been put to rest.