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Male <-> female voices (sound editing)

PostPosted: October 27th, 2006, 9:38 pm
by boomsmee
I'm currently working on altering some of the files on the site to change EMG's voice from sounding male to sounding female. (though right now ive got him sounding like an androgynous midget, but each attempt is getting closer. I want to have a series of edits specificly talored to EMG's voice) once im sucessful would there be much of a demand for this (or female to male for those files recorded with a female voice)

PostPosted: October 27th, 2006, 9:52 pm
by mudbunny
I wouldn't mind listening to the recordings in a female voice...

PostPosted: October 27th, 2006, 10:06 pm
by boomsmee
Yey! my latest attempt defiantly sounds feminine. theres some sharpness to the sound in the beginning, but smooths out more in the important parts. (though seems a little sharper than a woman's voice should)

PostPosted: October 27th, 2006, 11:15 pm
by jarvisteflon
I would very much be interested in files converted to a female voice.
Particularly the feminization files!


PostPosted: October 28th, 2006, 12:20 am
by wasp
how about starting in male and going to female XD

PostPosted: October 29th, 2006, 9:54 pm
by boomsmee
Ok I've created a version of the visualizehelp file it has definate female tones, and Ive removed much of the sharpmess to the voice. There is a little bit of distortion near the beginning and the end (the file description and wakeup sequence) but it is in unimportant sections and shouldnt interfere with the trance. I will also be working on improving the method to make the voice sound like a younger female (current voice sounds like speaker is 50-60) and reducing distortion at the ends of the file.

Im not sure how this file will fit in with the rest of the site though, as its exactly the same as the other visualizehelp file except with an altered and filtered voice. (maybe as an additional catagory like subliminal/body/script)

Also wasp, yes it is possible to have it shift over time, but will take quite a bit of work.

PostPosted: October 30th, 2006, 3:03 am
by willingsub
boomsmee wrote:Im not sure how this file will fit in with the rest of the site though, as its exactly the same as the other visualizehelp file except with an altered and filtered voice. (maybe as an additional catagory like subliminal/body/script)

There are some files on the site which use the same script as another file, but are spoken by a different hypnotist, like some of the Goddess Spiral files. So I'd say you can just upload your file as a separate file, with a title like FVVisualizeHelp (with FV standing for female voice). If you upload it as a separate file this also makes it possible for people to add a subliminal, body or binaural to your file.

PostPosted: October 30th, 2006, 8:33 am
by boomsmee
OK its uploaded. Any feedback will be greatly appreciated.

PostPosted: November 2nd, 2006, 6:15 pm
by LDC
Faking female voices? Not really a good idea unless ppl are into that kind of thing. I can create a fairly convincing female voice but I find it rather dishonest.. it would be better to use sound-bites of female voices (from various sources such as music and video) or to use a purely computer generated voice like Virtual Hypnotist.

I'm dissapointed that there are so few female hypno files on this site, the price is sensibly low so I'm not too put-out by it, but the orators of files should state whether they are male or female - it would make it a lot easier for me to find files I can use!

btw, are there any flash-movie files? I've seen a couple on other sites that are really quite trippy.