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New Voting Category

PostPosted: December 2nd, 2006, 1:59 pm
by foxboy
We should have a voting category called: Not Voted For that contains all of the files that you have not voted for.

PostPosted: December 6th, 2006, 3:23 pm
by bilijana
I don't think that's very necessary. I would suggest rather to just hide the files you've voted for. Maybe only show files you haven't voted on and ones you've suggested yourself, in any.

PostPosted: December 6th, 2006, 6:30 pm
by foxboy
Yeah I think that would work.

PostPosted: December 6th, 2006, 8:51 pm
by sarnoga
bilijana wrote:I don't think that's very necessary. I would suggest rather to just hide the files you've voted for. Maybe only show files you haven't voted on and ones you've suggested yourself, in any.

how do you do that?

PostPosted: December 11th, 2006, 8:16 am
by MN_FriendlyGuy
sarnoga wrote:
bilijana wrote:I don't think that's very necessary. I would suggest rather to just hide the files you've voted for. Maybe only show files you haven't voted on and ones you've suggested yourself, in any.

how do you do that?

I don't believe a member can currently do this on their own. But a programming change could make it possible (opinion).

I believe a cookie file is currently used to track whether a user has voted on an entry - preventing them from voting on it more than once. If that's true, it's theoretically possible to use this in a new way.

First - discontinue having a single 'view' for listing all the voting entries. Instead, two 'views' would be necessary. The first one would be for entries where you (a member) have not cast a vote. The second one would be for entries where you have cast a vote.

- The default value for the first 'view' would be ALL entries.
- The default value for the second 'view' would be NO entries.

If a WMM member has voted on an entry, then hide it from the first 'view' and begin displaying it on the second 'view'.

PostPosted: December 11th, 2006, 3:53 pm
by sarnoga
So in theory I could delete my cookies and vote again?

PostPosted: December 12th, 2006, 2:42 pm
by MN_FriendlyGuy
sarnoga wrote:So in theory I could delete my cookies and vote again?

No guarantees.

    - For some websites with voting, yes, deleting the site cookie from your computer will allow you to vote again.

    - For other websites, there's a uniqueness test (like email address). Even if you delete the site cookie, you can vote again only if you provide a new unique value.

    - For yet another set of websites, cookies are used only to identify membership. Voting is restricted through your membership record.

PostPosted: December 12th, 2006, 5:06 pm
by sarnoga
So then you dont know how this site tracks voting.

PostPosted: December 17th, 2006, 3:07 am
by EMG
I do, every vote is tracked in the database so no matter what you do with your cookies it won't let you vote a second time. There are ways around it (multiple accounts and other solutions) but you can't vote for a file more than once with a single account.

sarnoga wrote:So then you dont know how this site tracks voting.

Age Regression, New Suggestions & Suggestions Voted For

PostPosted: January 5th, 2007, 10:15 pm
by Sasami
It might help when browsing the suggestions for voting to have it remove the ones you have already voted for, but often I like to keep track of the ones I have already voted for to see how many other people are interested in them.

In fact, it would be nice to be able to click on a link and get a list of the ones you have voted for.

Another thing that I would like to suggest is a list of the most recent suggestions for votes. Maybe it could be the ones submitted in the last week, or maybe since the last time you logged on.

Another catagory I would like to see is Age Regression. Yes, a lot of people into age regression are into diapers, and vice versa, but there are some files, and proposed files that involve age regression but not diapers. Maybe it is too small a niche, but I think there would be enough people to appreciate it.