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Updated/New files

PostPosted: August 10th, 2007, 7:10 pm
by Nappyboy
Even though I do plan on making and uploading my own hypnosis files it would be good to see some of the files already here on the site updated or better still some new ones being added.

Another suggestion. Please could people please, stop using Microsoft or test to speach voices. They're bloody distracting and sound awrful.

There isn't an awrful lot for me to download from this site in terms of the files for example ones that suggest feeling a but plug up your arse. Yes I am gay but I hate anal sex

Files that suggest you will be become horny and have to relieve yourself. Please. I don't have a problem getting horny or reliieving myself or being a cum slut. God most nights in bed I can't think of doing anything else and I have a great imagination and stay hard and having a good time. Lol. Maybe if some of the guys could increase the horniness during the file and bring you off without touching yourself.

And some files thast don't involve pain. Or files that suggest you will think of nothing else but being in a contant state of arousal. I don't need that if I'm in lectures most days or in the middle of doing reasearch.

Yes I do like this site but this site needs an injection of new talent. Give me some time and I will post some of my own files.

Re: Updated/New files

PostPosted: August 10th, 2007, 7:38 pm
by goldragon_70
Nappyboy wrote:Even though I do plan on making and uploading my own hypnosis files it would be good to see some of the files already here on the site updated or better still some new ones being added.

Both happen, just maybe slower then you would like.

Nappyboy wrote:
There isn't an awrful lot for me to download from this site in terms of the files for example ones that suggest feeling a but plug up your arse. Yes I am gay but I hate anal sex

A lot of other people do like those files, either the files were uploaded or voted on.

Nappyboy wrote:
Yes I do like this site but this site needs an injection of new talent. Give me some time and I will post some of my own files.

Good, then maybe you can bring those people here needed to make that change.

PostPosted: August 11th, 2007, 7:11 pm
by dumpertaker
Look forward to seeing your files!