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Suggestion/request change to voting page.

PostPosted: May 31st, 2008, 10:23 am
by FloridaPuppy
Right now it's actually a lot of work to skim through the voting page. Some of the entries practically take an entire page with their description, and many of them are fairly similar. It would be nice instead of the current format of stacking
request name : huge block of text
request name : huge block of text
request name : huge block of text
request name : huge block of text
it was more along the lines of:
Request name : 1-2 lines of basic description with a link to a full description with a comments thread similar to how files have a comments section beneath the description.

A change like that would make the voting page easier to skim through and would (hopefully) cut down on some of the "Like X but slightly different" duplicates. A comments section would also have the added benefit of encouraging people interested in that file to discuss it where people, who want to make such a file, could easily pull from that discussion.

PostPosted: June 1st, 2008, 11:57 pm
by Nameless
I like the idea myself, but it may be out of EGM's hands, as its possible that it can't be done with the websites engine.

PostPosted: June 2nd, 2008, 12:01 am
by EMG
I actually like the idea too and may implement it when I have time. Sadly time is of a premium. Still, I wrote the current voting system, I should be able to build something like that. I wanted to do something similar with files but haven't found the time.

Nameless wrote:I like the idea myself, but it may be out of EGM's hands, as its possible that it can't be done with the websites engine.