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Adding a 'Whats new site wide'

PostPosted: January 14th, 2009, 3:42 am
by hook
Ive noticed a trend with my surfing habits on WMM and thought it would be quite nice to simplify it.

Every time I view WMM, I look at the newly released files (free and premium), I then browse over to the voting page and look at any new suggestions. And then have a quick look over the forums for new topics that are of interest (Ive actually just found view new posts since last visit)

However, Im sure there are sections I miss, and was thinking a great feature would be to combine the New/Top 10, view posts since last visit and other 'new items' features into one page. It would be cool if it was since my last visit, but just in the last week or so would be alright also.

Although the idea maybe quite difficult to implement because of the various systems, it may lend itself to a more active community of people as all of the information is quickly available.

Anyone have any additional thoughts on this?

PostPosted: January 14th, 2009, 8:13 am
by EMG
Not a bad idea at all, definitely one I will keep in mind.