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Voting system

PostPosted: April 9th, 2009, 8:09 am
by PieGirl
I don't really get why the voting system has votes for but also against all the files....

I think that if someone is against one type of file, then it's just not for them. Like, I'm not interested in all the feminization files(as I'm a girl), but I don't go voting against them either... I see that as a kind of sabotaging to those who are wishing for those files.

If a file is too stupid, I trust that people have common sense and leave it alone.

What does the "against" feature help with? All it shows is that there's a difference in tastes.

SO say... If you had a file with 100 for but 20 against, and then another file with 120 for and 130 against.... I don't see how the against-voting really helps here, cos no matter what, the for-people do stay the same.

Anyway if there really is a meaning behind it, then please elaborate on this :)It's just something that's been puzzling me for a while.

I never vote against files on the voting page. It's rude in my opinion.

(the poll is just there for some ironic fun ) :P

PostPosted: April 9th, 2009, 11:38 am
by EMG
I added vote against because I thought it would be fun. It would give me an idea of how people respond to a file. There are files at the middle of the list because they attract and repel people and I find that as interesting as the ones that everyone loves.

So, call it EMG's experiment in psycology :)

PostPosted: April 9th, 2009, 11:44 am
by PieGirl
EMG wrote:I added vote against because I thought it would be fun. It would give me an idea of how people respond to a file. There are files at the middle of the list because they attract and repel people and I find that as interesting as the ones that everyone loves.

So, call it EMG's experiment in psycology :)

Wow thanks for the reply...
Well I concern was only that I've seen alot of files(that I wouldnt listen to, but didn't necessarily thought were bad either) that have quite a few votes against them. And I'm thinking. Why do people even do this? :p If they don't like the suggestion they can just look away.
It would be a shame if a file didn't get made just cos of a few people who thought they'd give it thumbs down :P

But I can see the interesting part too. I just hope people don't hold back on making files just cos they have alot of thumbs downs.

PostPosted: June 19th, 2010, 6:00 pm
by Wildsprite
my opinion of the against selection is it compels people to vote against things even if they don't care either way, it really shouldn't be there, too many people vote against things regardless of if they care about the idea or not

PostPosted: June 21st, 2010, 9:59 pm
by Krysta
Like this poll, I think the voting system might benefit from an "Indifferent" option. With a vote "Against" prompting for a comment on reasoning. a vote "For" is pretty obvious why. A vote "against" could be dislike for the genre, dislike for the file idea itself, or a vote that the idea is obviously unsafe. Most things on the voting page, when I look, I leave alone, or vote for anything I like. If it looks like it's going to be one of those patented "Bad Ideas" I'll vote against, with a comment as to my reasoning that it might be improved.