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Just an idea I had.

PostPosted: July 17th, 2009, 7:23 am
by cumslutsissy
Im not sure if anyone's ever said this before,but. Id love to see a new section (and im pretty sure it would only be available to Premium Members) that was result videos. Id love to see willing subjects after being triggered. maybe its just wishful thinking, but im sure there may be others on board with me.

For example, take the naughtyboy file. Id love to see a video that at the end where you ask the person to stand up, and then trigger them. I know what it feels like when I get triggered with it, but I would love to see others.

If this is to much to ask, I'll understand. Its just something I've been thinking of for a while now.

Thank You

PostPosted: July 17th, 2009, 7:53 am
by EMG
At this time I am working on a MAJOR revamp of the website. When it is done expect that Video will become an option although I have not decided what form it will take.

Don't expect it TOO soon, late this year at the earliest.

PostPosted: July 17th, 2009, 7:55 am
by cumslutsissy
Thank you sir. I expect any form the video takes sir will be great. You run an amazing site so I know the feature will be worth the wait.

Thank You