Hello EMG,
This might be old news, but I think there is a problem with the search function.
On 10-19 rustyrivers posted a file titled "BoyHood Subliminal." He described it as a subliminal of of the file Boyhood and described what he had done. In the processes he left out any real description of the file that he had made the subliminal of. I knew I had seen it but my memory is not that good so I went to search to find the file Boyhood to read it's description.
Strangely enough, when I did a search for Boyhood the only file that came up was the recently posted file by rustyrivers. I then did a search for BoyHood and another one for boyhood, both with the same result.
When I expanded the search to just search for Boy, I got a much bigger list that included the file he must have been referring to. The file is just named Boyhood and is a pay file. Also on the list was Boyhood2.
I can't think of any reason they would not have come up when I did a search for Boyhood, unless the search engine is broken somehow or the database corrupted.
Maybe I am the only one who has experienced trouble with the search function but I thought it worth mentioning just in case it is the sort of thing that needs attention.