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Self Trig

PostPosted: April 19th, 2005, 3:42 pm
by uk_guy4
I was wondering if it is feasible, and/or desirable for the files to be filtered with 'Are Self triggerable' criteria. It's quite a hunt for them otherwise.

It would be of interest to myself, anyone else?

PostPosted: April 19th, 2005, 8:11 pm
by danmalara
Yes, it's a great idea. I had the same problem before. Although there is a file that makes all the triggers self triggerable, it would still be nice to sort out the files that are made to be and not to be self triggerable.

PostPosted: April 19th, 2005, 10:44 pm
by EMG
If someone wants to put together the list I'll put a notation in each of the file descriptions so it's at least a bit easier.

danmalara wrote:Yes, it's a great idea. I had the same problem before. Although there is a file that makes all the triggers self triggerable, it would still be nice to sort out the files that are made to be and not to be self triggerable.

PostPosted: April 20th, 2005, 4:31 pm
by dharden
Possibly a dumb question, but what would be the best way for that someone to get the list to you?

PostPosted: April 21st, 2005, 4:47 pm
by EMG

dharden wrote:Possibly a dumb question, but what would be the best way for that someone to get the list to you?