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Dynamic hypnosis files

PostPosted: June 27th, 2012, 4:07 pm
by totem
I'm quite new to this website but I quickly see a trend:

People require a lot of different versions of each file. One with a certain induction, one with a certain wakeup, one with binural, one without, one with subliminals, one being a curse or not, one mentioning "mistress", one mentioning a "master", one using female voice, another using male voice, english, french ect. ect.
It is nearly impossible to find that one perfect file that works best for you - which is a darn shame.
People even started making "fix" files for some of those problems to make making playlists easier.

In my opinion listening to too generic files isn't quite as enjoyable as listening to a tailer-made file that doesn't mention anything not relevant to me.

To the point:
Have anybody ever investigated making a system where you could check off any desired properties of the file you want and the click 'download' and then the server merges together a perfect hypnosis MP3 file just for you?

It requires the maker of the file to only record a body and then split the file into several pieces and somehow specify which choices the user can pick and how they will be merged into the final MP3 file.

I know this can get fairly technical if you want many options, but it would be pretty simple to just specify if you want an induction or not for example.

I imagine people being able to put together a settings file/script file for their file like this:

Voice: "Male", "Female"
Intro: "Default", "None"
Induction: "Default", "None", "Bubble", "Short", "Extra long"
Outro: "Default", "None", "Over2nextfile"
BackgroundA: "None", "Binural beat", "Binural pulse", "Subliminal"
BackgroundB: "None", "Binural beat", "Binural pulse", "Subliminal"
Effect: "None", "Echo"
Curse: "No", "Yes"
Audience: ["Heterosexual", "Homosexual"]
Trigger: ["Collar put on you", "collar"], ["Being alone in bed", "bed"], ["Phrase: 'Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers'", "peterpiper"]

PlayBackground("%BackgroundA%.mp3", 5);
PlayBackground("%BackgroundB%.mp3", 20);


if(%Audience% == "Heterosexual")

FadeOutBackground("ItsOKtoBeGay.mp3", 5)
FadeBackgroundToOther("%BackgroundA%.mp3", "%BackgroundA%_endeffect.mp3", 4)
FadeOutBackground("%BackgroundB%", 5)


The settings would be shown on the website in a simple way. The Script section is somewhat inspired by programming languages.
The system will interpret the script line by line and insert the given MP3 files into one after each other (with the exception of looping background tracks).

Names wrapped in %%'s are referenced from the settings section and changes depending on what the user selects.
For example if the voice is set to 'Male' and curse is set to 'Yes' it will then play the MP3 file stored at: "Male/TurnGay_curse_Yes.mp3".
Quite simple to learn.

It is entirely up to the creator of the file to decide to how big lengths they want to go making this file. (The above example is quite extreme).

Another nice benefit of this system is that the creator of the file can even upload new parts and update the script file without even touching the old files.
For example after a lot of people requests a new type of trigger to the file, it could easily be added to the script.

You get much cleaner file lists as there doesn't need to be duplicates. Other people could add to existing files with permission from the original creator or several people could work together on one file.

What do you think? Since more work is involved making these it could be a premium-only feature ;-) (or having premium enables additional options by the choice of the file creator)

PostPosted: June 28th, 2012, 10:58 pm
by Jeshi
Have you ever tried using Virtual Hypnotist? It doesn't work on some newer computers but if you can get it to work then it's exactly what you're looking for, albeit with a TTS voice only. You can even mess with any minor things you want in the script and it'll work (since it's TTS.)

There were multiple yahoo groups filled with scripts for it, and writing your own was easy, same with converting scripts from WMM.