Seeking Honest people.

A place for Subjects and Hypnotists to come together.

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Seeking Honest people.

Postby Ceot » March 10th, 2006, 5:21 am

Seeking honest people in a study case of the validity of hypnosis.

10 years experianced hypnotist looking for people online,over the phone and in real life to take part in a documented case study of the validity of hypnosis.
This does not pay, But I will however offer the abillity to choose what happens to you or someone else.

Since the current amount of unvalidated
people emailing or messageing me.

Anything online must be done on cam.

Email if you wish to be involved.
I,m looking for around 50 men and 50 woman.
So hurry while you can.

All in persons must be in or around the Toledo Ohio area.
And will be video taped after signing an agreement.
For online or over the phone you must agree to documentation of the
session with out names or private information given of course.

Exceptions will be made for those just to shy.
Hypnotic sugjestions will range from personal choice to the erotic.
And from the innocent to self help.

I do so hope to hear from you soon.
Always in mind. And sadly twice as strong.
Posts: 108
Joined: August 22nd, 2005, 12:00 am

Postby nuit09 » March 10th, 2006, 9:28 am

What do you mean "validity?" i thought the validity of hypnosis was proven long ago. i thought it's clinical applications and limitations were well understood and accepted by the medical, psychological, psychiatric, and criminological fields. so do you mean validity in general or valid in a specific type of application?

I think that the only questioning of it's validity that is credible is where it is expected to have a magick like effect ( though i believe it can under special circumstances) or where the careless therapist creates false memories and corrupts a witnesses testimony in court.
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Postby Jacara » March 10th, 2006, 6:14 pm

I assumed that by "validity" he meant more like "effectiveness". I figured if he's a hypnotist with 10 years experience, he knows it's valid and would have lots of case studies to back it up. I don't know hypnotizing a few more people would prove anything.
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Postby Jack » March 10th, 2006, 10:26 pm

Perhaps he wants to check the efficacy of things which are not normally requested by his clientelle.
"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt." Bertrand Russell
"By doing certain things certain results follow." A. Crowley, Book of Lies
"Dum spiro, spero." - Cicero
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an answer to that.

Postby Ceot » March 12th, 2006, 1:34 pm

A simple answer to that is this.

If I were to ask you if some one was told that the wings at hooters were the best their are, What would you expect them to feel while eating their?

I,ve come up with a way of figuring if the person acting opon request is doing so for self motivated reasons, Or the hypnosis and suggestion itself.

And that's my question.

For i,ve seen many times that the limits and choices in all this vary to the will, understanding and reasoning of each individual.

Hypnosis in itself has been seen as a simple and straight forward thing.
But is it really?...

I,ve found that a simple induction varied
only to the pre notions of the person.

Some were so basic they fell opon the person beeing induced to fall into a trance simply for the notion of the moment.

Not always necessarily on the skills of the hypnotist!

But A man like james.Braide would essily explain the need for a connection to the person your tranceing.
And as well an understanding as you went along
to the personal needs of each and every person.

So imagine if you will a two part test.
But explaining it would ruin all its meaning.
SO for now I cant talk of it more directly.

But it is to say, that if I were to take Mezmers method and try to validate it.

I would simply explain that something
physically proven by sceince and medicen to work based on facts of the responce of the brain and optical nerves.
need not be explained more then that ecceptance.

But hypnosis.
A Use human understanding, physcoligy and gentle persausion.
The art of leading a person to a suggestible state of mind.

One must understand that to say its truly validated.

They would have to first ask themselves is
it one hundred percent effective every time?

No not even for hypnotherapists.
Not for any one who doesnt understand it well enough.

Some people get possibly a few things from a supposed trance.
A feeling of understanding from the N.L.P and a some therapy from what was said.
But did they truly go under every time?...

Did it even have the impact some one needed it to...

I look at these hypnotists paying 300 $ and up for what?
A degree from a non state governed entity.

But no proof of the person and their intent as a therapist.
No explinations on why it all works as it does, Or the insecurities as well as needs of these minds they intend to toy with..

Their left all with Just a simple thought,
That these people now know what does what in the human mind.

I,ve often asked myself...
Were most of these people who could have made the choice to change
for self help, Not the same people who had already made up their minds?
All they needed was a little help.

Sorry if that seems blunt but is that validity?

I,m asking the validity of true hypnosis.
Not light suggestion's, or the actings of a stage member.

But true deep inside your mind hypnosis.
And to finally once and for all leave a lasting study on all of the above.

The true mentality leading into it all.
Why the show is a prelude but necessary part of it all.
How setup and a persons feeling and wants play in to it all.

And the absolute truth about any thing else people pass over.

Rite down to why a suggestion may or may not work.
The personal connections to what was said.
"All of it...."

See if some one wanted to quite smoking
,And I simply acted like I placed them in a light trance.

Then gave them a personal reason they understood already, to stop.
Something they may have already decided or told me earlyier.

Something they already chose themselves deep inside,
And their possible reason for coming to me in the first place..
Where truly is the validity in that?...

And yet their is.
Because to use a trance more fluidic.
One must understand that a persons mind is like a rageing river.
Easier to paddle with the current at first.
Then steer the river by slowly digging at its sides.

So yes sugjestion is still valid to a point.
A predecessor to a deeper trance,
And more forthrite or altering suggestions.

But still true hypnosis itself....

Having a loving relationship,
And having seen the light of my own errors.

Anything I do isn't about my need for control.
I,ve just finally decided to challenge the notion of it all.
See wear simple suggestion stops and the programing begins.

Wear the simple wavering of someone on the stage and the altering power of a sugjestion really comes into play.

Possibly come out with an answer I didn't hope for,
Or something that will help every one in the long run.

But I do intend to respect boundaries, and not go to far with this.

So for any who would like to join in...
I cant tell you what to expect.

It could be an experience to remember.
For what it is.

I wont care on were you want it to go for your own reasons.
Innocent and dark alike.
You may ask what you will of me.

See that as well has its part in all this.

Because oddly enough i,ve found those people
who honestly want it the most, have the hardest time obtaining it

I need to explore this more as well.
The Lustfull craven side of it.

If I could understand it enough to help people around whatever may block their desires and passion.

Help them over any fears they may have had.

It would be a wounderfull acomplishment for me.
And leave me feeling content.
All who wish to participate must be willing to let go
to whatever I ask of them.

Willing to be honest with all of what happens.

Also if you have a request.
Something like self help, or anything like that.
Just ask without hesitation.

As I said dark or innocent alike....

With that I thank you all for reading this,

And thank you for those who stand their with a smile.
Holding my shoulder by my side, calling me friend.

To you I give the same, and a promise.
A need be met by a hand I lend to you.
For without you the world is but a shadow.
Always in mind. And sadly twice as strong.
Posts: 108
Joined: August 22nd, 2005, 12:00 am

Postby Ohka » March 12th, 2006, 4:28 pm

I would love to participate if I was anywhere near that area.
Looking for someone to feminize me possibly but stilll confused about myself.
Posts: 60
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Postby Ceot » March 26th, 2006, 1:20 am

Then contact me and well talk about it.
Always in mind. And sadly twice as strong.
Posts: 108
Joined: August 22nd, 2005, 12:00 am

Postby Ceot » April 11th, 2006, 11:44 pm

Last month of getting information.
I have a group of woman looking for other woman interested in letting go and see were it takes them.
If interested contact me and i,ll give you a date and contact information for them.
Always in mind. And sadly twice as strong.
Posts: 108
Joined: August 22nd, 2005, 12:00 am

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